An extension for Inkscape that creates jigsaw shaped pieces. Options for back, and single-cut pieces. Creates a jigsaw puzzle for laser cutting. - set dimensions in various units, - number of pieces in X,Y, - randomness and size of tabs, - rounded corners, and a backing as an option. - packed neatly for minimal cutting. Uses minimal lines to optimize for laser cutting (e.g. when using packed backboard). [Edited to work in Inkscape 1.0+] [Install from "Manage Extensions" on Extensions Tab for a simpler life] --- Review by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:05 PM pytest coverage 0% pylint score 0.36/10 Working in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3
Creates a tabbed box with kerf setting for tight fits. Or dimples for press fits. - set dimensions in various units, - width, depth, height, material thickness, - choose number of tabs for each dimension, - include corners or not, - kerf adjustable - if tight fit required, or - can use dimples for pressure fits for wood etc (rounds or triangles), or - can set zero kerf and use minimal material to create. In all cases - uses minimal lines to optimise for laser cutting. You will find it under the Render menu in Extensions. [Edit: fixed for Inkscape 1.0] --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:48 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 2.85/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3
Inkscape extension to generate color palettes from selected objects' color properties. Usage Create objects with color properties set, can be fill and/or stroke color. Select them and from the Extensions menu choose Palette and Generate. Provide a name and select the color property to grab colors from. You can also include Inkscape's default black to white colors or replace an existing palette. New options Sort colors by xY or Yx position when objects are placed in a grid layout Sort colors by X or Y position Sort colors by selection order, HSL values or RGB values Notes Inkscape needs to be restarted for the extension to appear. Inkscape must be restarted for a new palette to appear. Generated palettes are located at ~/.config/inkscape/palettes or ~\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\palettes on Windows. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0: --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:30 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: -7.5/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 Marked as UNSAFE, modified home directory files, should be changed to use new Inkscape variable which will tell it where to save the palette file it generates.
Small script which allows to generate different knob scales: for front panel of devices, GUI etc. I've made it for generation of knob scales for my Modular synthesizer. Currently, it has three different styles of scales. The most recent version of plugin stores on github: --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 3:57 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: -9.5/10 Tested in Inkscape 1.1, ok
A collection of plug-ins primarily intended for designers of bobbin lace patterns. The plug-ins draw various types of printable grids of dots or pair diagrams. For non lace makers: pair diagrams are two-in-two-out digraphs. Some tools have a BSD license, others a GPLv3. An older release of the plugins (for a pre 1.0 version of InkScape) has a 5th plug-in, it complements an interactive online tool. This tool is replaced by GroundForge on The tool generates thread diagrams from pair diagrams. The new tool groups the segments of a line and doesn't need the 5th plugin any more.
This is an Inkscape extension to help rapidly prototype 3D assemblies using a laser cutter, CNC router, waterjet cutter, or similar 2D process. It can quickly add box tabs to selected lines, or matching slots using guidelines. Please see the attached link for better documentation and updated files! I can't promise this page will stay up-to-date. Legacy version for old versions of Inkscape are also available at the link.
Inkscape extension for generating embroidery stitch files. Usage: Select objects that you want to apply embroidery properties and using the extension, set the parameters for the desired object(s). Once all desired objects have embroidery properties, use the extension to generate the necessary stitch file. A variety of raw stitch files are supported. Note: Follow the link to the Ink/Stitch website. There you can find download links, installation instructions and in depth-documentation.
An extension that will help you to export your object in your SVG file to several formats (SVG, JPG, PDF, Multiple PDF Page, WEBP, and EPS) by its ID. If you're a book creator, icon designer, seller in a marketplace, web designer, this extension will help you with your task. This extension is also available as a CLI version ( How does Inkporter work? The simple explanation is that Inkporter will read ID patterns (i.e icon-1, icon-2, icon-3, etc) that you've set and then export them to the file format you need. Inkporter allows you to feel like you're working with artboard-like or multiple pages in Inkscape. How do you use Inkporter? Just copy and paste the Inkporter directory, inkporter.inx and to the Inkscape extension directory. If the installation is correct, you will find Inkporter menu in Extensions -> Export -> Inkporter. For a complete guide and the dependencies needed, please refer to the file. If you need better performance of this tool, we provide Citramanik ( the next generation of Inkporter. --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 4:55 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 5.75/10 Tested on Inkscape 1.1, packaging issues. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 1:37 PM --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 2:41 PM
Gradient Saver: Inkscape Gradient Manager for Your Next Project! An extension that will help you to organize your gradient on Inkscape. By using Gradient Saver you have ability to save your favorite gradient and reuse it on your next project. Hope it will help much Inkscpae user out there. For dependencies & installation info, please refer to README or this page: We've update this extension for Inkscape Ver. 1.0, hope you enjoy it. Quick demo/overview:
Instrument_scale. Create a linear or circular arc display suitable for various kinds of panel meter. Settings for range, tick marks, labels, and angles for the circular option. Many minor improvements to label placement, corner cases fixed, etc. Useful unicode char for Temperature = ° Appears under Extensions/Render Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
A set of extensions for efficiently importing, editing, and resizing scientific figures. 1. Scale Plots: Changes the size or aspect ratio of a plot without modifying its text and ticks. Especially useful for assembling multi-panel figures. 2. Flattener: A utility that eliminates much of the structure generated by common plot generation programs and PDF imports. For most imported plots, this should be the first thing you run. 3. Homogenizer: Sets uniform fonts, font sizes, and stroke widths in a selection. 4. Auto-Exporter: Automatically exports SVG files in a directory and keeps them updated. 5. Gallery Viewer: Provides a way to view and edit the SVG contents of files or folders. 6. Text Ghoster: Adds a semi-transparent background to text so that it can be overlaid with data. 7. Combine by Color: An extension that fuses paths of the same color and style together into a single path. 8. Favorite Markers: Lets you designate certain markers as favorites so that they can be conveniently accessed. --- Curated by Martin Owens on April 22 2022 9:10 AM
This Inkscape extension transforms objects drawn on a two-dimensional plane to an isometric projection — or even any other dimetric or trimetric projection. Inkscape provides an axonometric grid that by default is configured for the isometric projection (i.e., the three axes are set at 120° angles). Drawing with this grid works quite well for simple shapes, but sometimes it is easier to draw the details of an object using a two-dimensional grid, and then scale, shear, and rotate the object to set it on an isometric plane. For more information, see: For users of Inkscape versions older than 1.0-beta2, please use version 1.2 of this extension: If you find a bug, please report it here:
An free and open source application for controlling 2D plotters, cutters, engravers, and 2D CNC machines. Inkcut includes an extension for Inkscape which allows the user to send graphics drawn in Inkscape to a cutter, plotter, or engraver. Inkcut must be installed for this extension to work, see for install instructions. --- Curated by Martin Owens on March 15 2021 11:09 AM
Boolean operations for multiple objects at once - difference, union, intersection, exclusion, division or cut. The extension is a rewrite of the Multi-Bool extension, and offers many adjustable settings and improvements. It takes a selection of one or more groups, or of several elements (paths, shapes, text), or a mix of both, and applies a chosen path operation with the top-most valid object in paint order and each other valid object which is part of the selection (directly or as member of a processed group) that is lower in Z-order. For more info, please refer to the README file at . Inkscape extension written by su-v and updated for Inkscape 1.0 – 1.4 by Maren Hachmann, licensed GPLv2 or higher.
Extension similar to "color replace" that swaps two user defined colors. The zip file contains versions for Inkscape 0.92, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 The underlying color extension has a regression in 1.0 and does not work on grouped objects. This has been fixed in later versions. Only tested on Windows but should work on all platforms.
Snap nearby points across two or more paths to their average coordinates. This extension can be used to help interlock adjacent shapes like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Select a bitmap and one or more other objects, and run Extensions → Raster → Pixels to Objects…. The extension will place one copy of an object at each pixel coordinate. For example, a 32×32 image will lead to objects being placed at coordinates (0, 0) through (31, 31). Options enable objects to have their stroke and/or fill color adjusted to match the corresponding image pixel; background-colored pixels to be either considered or ignored; image coordinates to be scaled up or down; and multiple objects to be assigned to coordinates either randomly or deterministically. For instance, in the banner image above, a 16×16 bitmap was selected along with four path objects of size at most 18×18. In the dialog box, "Apply color to stroke" and "Ignore background pixels" were checked. "Image coordinate scaling" was set to 18 to prevent the path objects from overlapping. And "Instantiation of multiple objects" was set to "By image coordinates" to cycle evenly through all four path objects.
Simple Inkscape Scripting makes it easy to automate repetitive drawing tasks. It defines a simple set of Python functions such as "rect" to draw a rectangle and "line" to draw a line. For example, the one-line program "for r in range(7, 0, -1): circle((100, 100), 10*r, fill=['white','red'][r%2])" is all it takes to draw a bullseye. Invoking the extension (Extensions → Render → Simple Inkscape Scripting…) brings up a dialog box that lets you load a Python script from a file or enter Python code directly in a text box. Shapes produced by the script appear directly on the canvas and can be edited just like any other shape. See for details and examples.
Extension to mirror/flip objects along a line. The zip file contains 4 versions: for Inkscape 0.92, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2. Only tested on Windows but should work on all platforms. You need to select two objects simultaneously and then apply the extension. Select the object (shape, group, image, etc.) you want to mirror first, press "shift", and then select the mirror line (consisting of exactly 2 nodes) second. The extension can be found under "Extensions -> Modify Path -> Mirror"
Inkscape extension to export selected objects to various file formats. Usage Select the objects you want to export and from the Extensions menu choose Export and Multipage. Provide a name for the destination folder and select the export format. Available formats are PDF, PNG and SVG. Available exporters are rsvg, and inkscape. You can also name the exported files after the objects' IDs Combine PDFs requires pdftk installed in your system Notes Exported files are located at ~/Documents/Exports. Tested only on Inkscape for Linux. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0:
With using a sketch pen with my plotter, I prefer the true single line SVG fonts that draw the lines only once. But – as these true single line fonts cannot be installed and be used as regular outline fonts I would like to offer my single line fonts as stick fonts too. A stick font is an outline font with zero with so that the letters will be traced twice. I wrote an Inkscape extension to effectively converting a single line SVG font to a TTF stick font. Visit the link to the right (my blog) to learn how to. NB! The extension uses the reverse function which was not implemented correctly in Inkscape v1.0.1 so you will need to update the Read howto in the link.
Empty page for Social Media branding and Creative Marketplace. Only support for inkscape 1.0.x # Install ## GNU/Linux - copy file .inx and .py. - paste into ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ ## Windows - copy file .inx. - paste into C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\ # How to Use - File > New from new template (Ctrl + Alt + N). - Choose "Branding and Social Media..." or "Creative Marketplace..." *issue:
This extension allows you to show or hide menu items and toolbar buttons in Inkscape. The purpose of this is to: - Hide user interface elements you don't want to see. - Make the interface simpler for educational purposes. - Tailor Inkscape towards a specialised working enviroment. I welcome comments, ideas, suggestions, bug reports. If you use it, please write something at the bottom of this page. Installation. Download the .zip file. Installation instructions and a manual are in the file "custui_Readme.html", which is included in the zip file. I will also submit this extension for review so it may become available in the extensions manager. Inkscape 1.0 on Windows misses a "HarfBuzz" library that is needed. If you use Inkscape 1.0 on Windows, you need to install the HarfBuzz library manually. Instructions are in the Readme file. Many thanks for testing and also advice and ideas: @Kirstie, @DoctorMo and @Adam.Belis Changes for version 0.3: - Change the interface too look a bit better - Add function to restore default settings - Make some more items in View menu immutable for Inkscape 1.1
This Inkscape extension creates templates for playing cards. It lets you define: - the width and height of the cards, - an optional bleed for the cards, - an optional horizontal or vertical fold line, - a minimal distance between the cards, - a minimal distance between the cards and the fold line, - distance between cards and crop marks, - an optional page margin and a frame around all cards, and - an optional alignment grid. A short documentation can be found at GitHub:
Easily create label guides for common labels. Make your own label geometry and add inset guides and shapes.
inkscape-tableau ----- Version 2024.1 For inkscape V 1.x ==================== Draw simple table with or not rounded corner. Optimized for laser cutter. Usage ----- Copy the .inx, .svg and *.py files into your Inkscape extensions directory (usually on windows C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions). The actual directory can be found under Preferences/System. Restart inkscape. The table will be available under Extensions/Tableau. All code is offered under Licence : Public Domain. Translated in english. If you translat it in other language, please send me the pot file. Question possible en français.
This extension allows you to export icons created in inkscape to all the necessary sizes for iOS and Android applications. This extension still has a lot of room for improvement. If you want to help out, feel free to check out the project on Github: Feature requests, pull requests, issues, and any other contribution welcome. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 11 2020 2:11 AM
Make Page Tileable clones all objects that straddle an edge of the page to make the page as a whole tileable. This can be useful for making background patterns for webpages, textures for games and raytraced scenes, tiling patterns for autostereograms, and other places where seamless repetition is desired. To run the extension, simply select Extensions → Page → Make Page Tileable. If no objects are selected then all objects on the page will be cloned. Otherwise, only the selected objects will be cloned. Each set of clones is placed in a group so their positions can be adjusted in unison.
This extension is owned by and as written in python file, everyone allowed to modify as long as comply with the provisions that have been determined. So, we modify this extension in order to make Group to Layer Extension can running well on Inkscape 1.0.
Inkscape extension that creates parametric origami patterns, while easily being able to select different kind of stroke styles for different types of folds/cuts. The emphasis is on making it as simple as possible to implement new patterns, and to either print it to fold by hand, lasercut it or test it on
An extension for Inkscape that will help you export your artwork easier: - Export each layer as a separate file. - Choose which layers to export. - Configure background layers. - Export based on layer hierarchy. - Automated file naming. - Supports multiple export file formats (SVG, PNG, PS, EPS, PDF, EMF, WMF, XAML). Please visit the Github repositoy for a more detailed usage description. [LAST-UPDATE]: 12-September-2021 - Fix: Possible crash when Inkscape throws lots of warnings on the export process.
A simple Inkscape extension that lets you extract attributes (like id) from all selected paths, and show them as <text> elements inside the paths. Useful for when you want to have all paths' id shown on the SVG document as <text> nodes. You can also use it for other path attributes, like `label`, `fill`, `stroke`, `width`, `height`. Available under the Extensions > Text submenu. Check the extension's repo on GitHub for examples. Options for styling and formatting the text: Font size in pixels Color (the fill color of the <text> elements) Font (should be installed on the system) Font Weight (should be supported by the selected font) Angle (controls the rotation of the generated <text> elements, in degrees) Options for further editing the extracted text (only used with id and label attributes): Text to replace (a simple replace function to remove characters you may not want from the text) Match Regular Expression (matches the extracted text of each path to a regular expression and uses the result on the path, e.g. if the id is `Province_055` and this field `\d+`, the text on the path will be just `055`) Capitalize (capitalize all text) Group paths with the generated text elements (if checked, also group the path with its text label) Note: only works on <path> elements. If you have a <circle>, <rectangle>, <text>, etc., first use Object > Object to Path to convert it. For Inkscape v0.92 and before, you should check the extension's repository on GitHub.
This set of python modules aims to extend Aaron Spike's module, adding functions to help the development of new extensions for inkscape. Here you will find methods and classes to deal with drawing elements, line and text styles, line markers, texts, cartesian and polar plots, etc. This project is not intended to provide an end-user inkscape extension by itself but to provide easier backstage functions and classes to facilitate the development of inkscape extensions. It is a work-in-progress project and new features will be added in the future.
Parabola is an Inkscape extension that renders a series of lines in selected shapes to form an optical illusion of a curved line (Parabolic lines) Shapes available are: * Square * Cross * Triangle Output is an object made of a series of editable paths. See the github for documentation and example output: This extension was tested on: MacOS Big Sur running Inkscape version 1.0 Ubuntu Linux running Inkscape version 1.0.1 Windows 10 running Inkscape version 1.0.2 *Updated 2/28/2021* ============================================== Version 1.1.0 changes the border behavior. The border will now only be drawn along the edges of the corners selected to be rendered. Previously it would draw the entire shape border when the border option was selected. ==============================================
Simple extension to render IFS fractals from a base image, by repeatedly duplicating and transforming selected objects. Transformations are specified as matrices, and should be contractive (i.e., shinking). This can potentially make a large number of objects, but for a small number of iterations and transformations the results should be reasonable.
Inkscape extension for creating generative art. The scope of this extension has been kept very minimal. It simply takes the selected object(s) and creates the specified number of copies of it. Each new copy will have a cumulative transformation applied to it where each transformation consists of - a rotation around 0,0 (top left of the canvas), - a shift in x and y, and - a scale operation in x and y. The rotation and shift operation can be done either lineraly (the same amount for every copy) or by a sinusidal factor (oscillating for each copy). The source is available at
Apply a radius to sharp corners of a path. The extension is written for inkscape 1.0.1 (but also contains a backport for 0.92.4). Usage: The screenshot demonstrates the usage. In the upper half, a red path with 4 vertices is shown. We select two vertices: the top left and bottom left corner (shown in blue). Run "Rounded Corners" from "Extensions" -> "Modify Path". The result is the path below. (Viewed here in edit mode again to show all the new vertices.)
Updated for Inkscape 1.0 This extension creates cut lines to make a living hinge when laser cutting material. Options include the length of the cuts, the separation between sequential cuts, and the separation between adjacent cuts. All parameters are stored in the "Object Properties" field of the resulting object. Installation Download and unzip the file. Copy living_hinge.inx and to your extension directory. --Linux Run the shell script This will copy living_hinge.inx and to ~/.config/inkscape/extensions Instructions on how to use the extension can be found here:
Zoetrope maker. - Prints disk of given diameter and number of images around the outside. - Also includes a pulse trigger ring to trigger a strobe. - Width and phase of the pulse can be defined. - Prints image references for paint programs. - Both distorted and undistorted - for use in a paint program to size/scale/distort the source inages to fit onto the Disk. Excellent Hardware to make a working Zoetrope can be found here: Works in Inkscape 1.0
Markiere zwei Objekte. Das zuletzt markierte Objekt wird auf die Punkte des Pfades des ersten Objekts kopiert. Select two objects. The last one represents the symbol for the dot. The symbol will be copied on the path points.
SVG Stencil Export helps publishing stencils to About ---------------------------- SVG Stencils is a community driven stencil library. This video shows how it works: Extension Features ------------------ - Exports each layer as component svg-file - Choose which layers to export. - Automated file naming. - Optionally creates a stencil-meta.json - Optionally creates a front page index.html - Optionally creates a - Optionally creates a Github Pages Action configuration file - Optionally creates a Gitlab Pages CI configuration file HELP THE STENCIL LIBRARY GROW! ============================== Create and submit your own stencils. This extension helps you creating and publishing new stencils in minutes. Read the documentation here: Credits ------- The extension is based on Batch Export (
Extension helps in reading text from imported inkscape images Compatible Platform : Debian Requirements:
An extension for Inkscape that export a drawing to a icon file
Silhouette Studio Basic Edition can not open SVG files, only DXF. The scaling of the design is lost when importing the DXF file. Adding a frame around the design matching the size it will be forced into when imported to Silhouette Studio will cause the scaling to be kept. For a quick way of doing this I created an extension with the option to add a frame matching the 8x12in or 12x12in cutting mat and media size in Silhouette Studio. More details on how this works in the Link.
Apply successive difference operations on superimposed paths. Useful for plotter addicts as it removes hidden strokes. I use it on Processing generative art, before plotting it with an Axidraw. Select fewer than 64 shapes/paths at a time for performance reasons. Developed thanks to Incaya, a french worker cooperative.
XIA is an extension making possible to convert svg file into two kind of html5 resources : - mini html5 games (based on drag and drop or click principles) - interactive images (with zoom effect on details) downloads :
Extension for drawing Origami diagrams. Helps drawing all Huzita-Hatori-Justin Axioms (1-7), find the Rabbit-Ear complementary crease and does angles and segments N-Sections. Fully internationalized : currently, English (native) and a French translation are available. Need Inkscape0.92 or later. Comes with easy install scripts for Linux (tested on Ubuntu and Mint, Fedora & Suse), Windows (tested on Windows 10 Family) and MacOS (tested on High Sierra with MacPorts Inkscape). Enjoy! New version released on 02/01/2020, version 0.70
Eurorack Panel Designer Enables the design of front panels for Eurorack format typically used in audio equipment. Can be used for laser cutting or for panel layout and design. The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5") height. Horizontal width is measured in "horizontal pitch", where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2"). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection. more info: Appears in: Extensions->Render->Eurorack Panel Designer Works in Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
Designed to illustrate Piano scales. Can input Key and start and end notes as well as intervals. Can also choose locrian etc from menu. Will draw single scales as well as help sheets for entire pages. Appears in Extensions/Music/PianoScale Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
WHAT IS IMASEQ HELPER? Imaseq Helper is a free and open-source extension for Inkscape 1.0, released under the GPL version 3 license. This extension allows you to export PNG images by visibility or layers. You can also choose to make the extension duplicate a layer base on a setting, which is a common task when making a frame by frame animation. FEATURES • Export PNG image(s) to a fixed directory. • Export images using the layer name as a file name. • Batch export of rectangles or layers with incremented naming option. • Duplicate layers with incremented name and opacity of your choice. VIDEO HOW IT WORKS? To make the extension work, you will have to create a layer that has a “rectangle object” in it. And it has to be a rectangle object, not a circle or rectangle path. This rectangle object will serve as a selection export area. Everything visible within the bounds of the rectangle will be exported as a PNG image. INSTALLATION 1. You must have Inkscape 1.0 installed. 2. Close Inkscape if it is open. 3. Copy or move the imaseq_helper.inx and into Inkscape extension folder. • On Mac and Linux it is in ~/.config/inkscape/extensions. • On Windows it is in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. 4. Launch Inkscape. If you install it correctly, you should see “Imaseq Helper” on “Export” sub-menu under the “Extensions” menu. HOW TO USE? 1. Select an “Export Mode” • None – The extension will not export anything. • Visible – Everything visible within the rectangle object gets exported as a single PNG image. • All Layers – Every layer except for the bounds and sub-layers will get exported individually. 2. Set a “Bounds Layer” • Create a new layer, name it, then type the name on the input field. • Add a “rectangle object” and make sure it’s big enough and position it to capture the target view. 3. Give it a “File Name” • You can choose to input a file name or leave it blank to use the layer name. 4. Choose a “Directory” • Set a folder where exported images will be saved. 5. To “Overwrite” or not • If not checked existing file will not be overwritten unless the “Export Mode” is “All Layers” 6. Set image “DPI” • To determine the desired DPI select the “rectangle object,” open export window (Shift+Ctrl+E), go to the "Selection" tab, in the "Image size" section, you can see the DPI. • If you want to export using the dimensions of the rectangle object, you can set the DPI to a number lower than one like zero. 7. To “Duplicate Layer” or not • On the “Layer Settings” tab, you can set to duplicate the selected layer if the “Export Mode” is “Visible” or “None” 8. Set “Layer Opacity” • This slider will determine the opacity of the duplicated layer. FRIENDLY TIPS 1. Using “Multiple” Rectangle Objects • Will not guarantee correct file name order, because the rectangles may get exported randomly. In this case, consider moving the target images to its own layer and use “All Layers” as the export mode. 2. Setting Export Mode To “All Layers” • This mode produces temporary files equal to or more than the number of layers to be exported. Therefore, you are advised to clean these temporary at your convenience. • Setting a file name will not guarantee correct naming order, because layers may get exported randomly. So it is best to leave the file name blank and use the layer name instead. 3. Fixed Background For All Exports • If you have a background on a separate layer and want it to be visible on every export. You can make the background layer a child of the bounds layer. Just make sure you set the alpha or opacity of the rectangle object to zero. 4. Child Layers Are Not Exported Individually • If you have a group of layers, only the parent layer is exported. But if the child layers are visible, then they too will be captured on the exported image. 5. Export Using The Dimensions Of The Rectangle Object • If you set the DPI to zero, the dimension of the rectangle object will be used as the dimension of the image. But keep in mind that if the dimension in “pixels” is not a “whole number,” it will be rounded to the nearest one. Example 24.1 pixels will be 24 pixels, 99.5 pixels will be 100 pixels, etc. GITHUB PAGE
An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape, inspired by textext. This extension uses Inkscape build-in extension system, does not require TK or PyGtk as textext. Live preview feature is supported. You can obtain original TeX source from View Original TeX tab. Check for more detail. Latest version is in
When drawing paths and then combining these the order will be from the last to the first drawn. Use this simple extension to reverse the order of the subpaths without reversing the direction of each subpath. Then the original drawn order will be restored. The extension can be found from Extensions > Modify Path. Tested with v1.0.1, v1.0.2 and v1.1 on Windows 10 Use together with the Number Subpaths extension to visualize the effect of this reordering.
Inkscape extension to add a page preview layer with a specific color. For Inkscape 1.x as well as for Inkscape 0.92. Newest version will be updated there:
This extension changes the Inkscape interface into a simpler one. It hides quite some elements from the menus and toolbars so that a more basic version of the interface remains. This can be useful for educational purposes. It is very easy to use and you can always go back to the default Inkscape user interface. After installing the extension, you restart Inkscape, open the menu 'Extensions', submenu 'Interface' and then 'Simple Inkscape'. It explains itself. This extension was made in collaboration with @Kirstie, one of the users of the Inkscape forum and writer of a very good Dutch book about Inkscape. She made the changes to the ui, I made the extension that installs or removes them. There are two forum topics about this extension. It works in Windows and Linux for Inkscape 1.0 and above. Lower versions of Inkscape will not work. Mac is currently not supported since I have no Mac to test it on. It will simply give an error message on Mac. If anyone who has a Mac wants to help me test it, I believe I can make it work for Mac as well. Please contact me if you want to help me with it. If you have questions - please feel free to ask. I would also be interested to know if the extension is used and what it is used for so that I can keep that in mind for future versions. So if use it - leave a post if you like.
Create svg path animation from frames. A path can be animated as follows: <path d="{orignal frame}"> <animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" begin="0s" dur="0.73" repeatCount="2" values="{frame1};{frame2}[;{framen}]"> </path> Most browsers will draw the path, then animate it, interpolating between the paths in the animate values list. Some i-phone browsers do not animate. Grrr. To use: Place each frame of the animation in a layer named 'frame{n}'. Each of these layers should have the same number of paths, and each path should have the same number of points as the corresponding path in other layers. The animation is applied to the paths in the first layer in the sequence, so the properties of that layer are used. Animations with different numbers of frames can be put into different sequences, named 'sequence{n}', using sub-groups: Layers: > not_animated_layer1 > sequence1 >> frame1 >>> path1a >>> path2a >> frame5 >>> path1b >>> path2b >> frame2 >>> path1c >>> path2c >> frame4 >>> path1d >>> path2d > sequence5 >> frame >> frame >> frame NOTE, any numbers on frames or sequence are ignored. The z order of frames and paths determine their position in the animation. SUGGESTION: Set all frames but the first to not display or even delete them before using the animated SVG in a browser. Experiment with different duration times for each path. NOTE: The pop-up box does not close after creating the animate node. The node appears under the paths in the first frame of each sequence. NOTE: Inkscape does NOT run the animation! You need to load the svg into a web browser to see it.
A previous extension ( is now updated for Inkscape v1.1 with some extra features. This extension is used together with the Custom Stroke Font extension to streamline the process of font creating. There are two extensions; get and setGlyphIDs. The getGlyphIDs will fetch all path ids for the glyphs when editing an existing svg-font. The process of editing the paths frequently mess up the path ids and the order of the paths. Then the fetched IDs (or a custom string input) can be used with the setGlyphIDs when the font template is ready to generate the new svg-font. When using the setGlyphIDs, the individual characters of the string is set as path ids for the glyphs left to right as seen on screen (use one row when generating the font template from Custom Stroke Font). Known issue: If a glyph have path id " (doublequote) the extension might fail. Temporarly change that path id to something else (f.x. 'temp') and it should work.
This extension is similar to the Voronoi Diagram extension in Delaunay Triangulation mode in that it generates triangulations. The difference is that the Delaunay Triangulation extension triangulates all points in all selected objects while the Voronoi Diagram extension considers only object centroids.
DiacriticCriticize is a text exploration and transformation tool. It operates by changing the selected text letter-by-letter, either by adding random diacritic marks, by pulling random characters from not-so-common alphabets and text encodings, or both.
Extenssions untuk generate ayat al quran dengan terjemahan indonesia
Inkscape extension for "unwinding" paths For each selected path element consisting of straight segments, this extension creates an additional path element consisting of horizontal line segments which are the same size as the original line segments. Installing: Copy hlines.inx and into your Inkscape user extensions directory. Where is that? Open Inkscape and go to the System section of the Preferences menu (Edit --> Preferences --> System). You will find a User extensions item containing the path to your user extensions directory. NOTE: As of this time, this extension works under Inkscape 1.0, but not the 1.1 release candidate. However, it will work on 1.1 (and above) by commenting out line 45 of and uncommenting line 46. Update: 06/24/2021 new version handles transforms better
Inkscape extension to add a page background layer with a specific color. For Inkscape 1.x as well as for Inkscape 0.92. Newest version will be updated there:
Phoca - Inkscape Save As extension is an Inkscape extension which allows you to export your image(s) to JPG, WEBP or PNG format. As default, Inkscape can export images to PNG but there is no option to export them to JPG or WEBP format. With Phoca - Inkscape Save As extension you can export images to JPG, WEBP or PNG format. There are three options: - Full page export - Selection area export - area of selected object(s) will be exported - Custom area export - area of manually added coordinates will be exported. When using this extension, be aware: - This extensions requires ImageMagick library installed on your system - If the selected file has a different extension than the selected format then the file will be automatically renamed and may overwrite any existing file - Current files are overwritten automatically, there is no warning - When using the selection method, for more accurate and faster results, it is recommended to create one object that covers the area of all other objects, and only select this object when exporting.
Visualize the order of subpaths within one path. Each start and end node will be marked with green/red dots and a text flag according to its order. Optionally the path ID could be visualized if working with more than one combined path. I use this for various projects where combining paths is needed and the order is of importance - embroidery designs, developing and testing extensions for cutting/plotting. This extension is based on the Inkscape included extension Visualize Path > Number Nodes by Aaron Spike from 2005. Number Subpaths can be found in the same menu when installed. Tested for v1.01, v1.02 and v1.1 on Windows 10.
An extension for Inkscape that makes it easier to draw optical diagrams. Allows to annotate Inkscape primitives with optical properties and draws beam paths by taking into account reflection and refraction. See for more details on how to use and latest version.
This extension will open up closed paths by removing all z-commands from the selected paths. My purpose: to use single line svg-fonts as otf/ttf/opf fonts. These font formats require closed paths and will add a closing command to the glyphs. This closing can be removed by converting the text to paths, ungroup and then using this extension.
Input filter for reading RD files, as generated by e.g. rdworks to drive RUIDA laser controllers.
An Inkscape extension that draws full sized Fretboards for stringed instruments. Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, Dulcimer, etc Appears in Extensions menu under Music. Will draw a fret ruler in three useful ways: 1. Ruler - ideal as a Lasercut metal rule or paper printout, 2. Template - to be used as a guide in a router or table saw, - e.g. 3. Full neck to be printed and glued onto the neckstock for accurate sawing and marking. Includes fret marker placement and tapered necks. Scales: The fretboard can be drawn with a single scale or in a fanned format with two scales, on the bass and treble sides of the fretboard. The methods for constructing scales are: - 12th root of 2 - ratios of 17.817, 17.835, or 18 - scala files. Also draws a curved arc template for curved fretboards. This is in two styles: 1. Block - to be extruded into a sanding block or neck support. Possibly using the Inkscape to openscad extension to export to an STL for 3D printing. or: 2. Thin finger-like tabs to set the correct heights of strings at the saddle. Be sure to unzip the scales zip enclosed into the same directory. It will create a scales folder with 4580 interesting .scl (scala) files to choose from. There is a special tab in the extension for finding useful scales in this enormous resource. Works in Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
This Inkscape extension transforms an object along the x-axis. The bounding box remains unchanged. Points near the center of the object move to create the illusion of a curved surface. Points move left, if you choose an exponent > 1, and right if the exponent is < 1. An exponent of 1.0 does exactly nothing. This can be used in combination with the bend path effect to create a cone projection that retains aspect ratio. Idea from Simon Budig while preparing for the lampshade workshop.
This extension opens up a dialog that allows the user to set some Prover iLock specific attributes. The attributes decide how Prover iLock will display the svg file, in particular they are used to associate layers to "visualization features" that are used to dynamically change the drawn symbol based on the current state in the tool.
Minimal inkscape 1.0 extension
This extension is util for who want to learn the base principle of python language and in special for who want create for first time or want to understand how request all paths or nodes for ulterior custom programming.
For extension developers. This minimal extension pulls together some helpful documentation about adding localization to an extension, including where the translation files go and what gettext commands to use on both Windows and Linux. Now includes localized text in the Python script. Also many small changes that result in a much higher pylint code score.