If Inkscape had a Mascot, it might be a shy Squid called Squidney. Just like the Team behind Inkscape he hides in the background, always pushing Inkscape forward. Squidney has many tentacles, just like Inkscape has many various groups of users! The tail end of his body looks similar to the Mountain Logo. Oh! and Squids produce Ink... ;-) Most importantly... he's cute! LOL.
Original Character concept, "InkscapeMan". Created in Inkscape 0.92.3
The official Inkscape Logo. If you would like to use it in your art or on your (merchandising) products, please refer to the Inkscape Trademark Usage policy to find out what you can do and what you shouldn't do. Author: Andrew Michael Fitzsimon
Demo: ===== I: New Spray tool effects N: Rotate Copies LPE K: Mirror LPE S: New Checkerboard Background C: Improved Randomize Color Extension A: Measure Tool Improvements P: Roughen LPE E: Show Handles LPE 0.92: Paint Order Inkscape Logo: 9.2% Opacity Fonts: ====== 'Inkscape': Titan One (OFL) '0.92': Wendy One (OFL) 'Draw Freely': Euphoria Script (OFL) 'www.inkscape.org': Charis SIL (OFL) (not submitted to contest, just for fun)
My humble tribute to Inkscape project. Designed here as a Google Chrome web store product/icon. Font was converted to Path to don't have distortions on operating systems without the original current font. ;-)
Are you a lover of open source design software? Then this may be a great wallpaper for you! Starting from the left as displayed: Inkscape (Illustrator), Gimp (Photoshop), and Blender (3D Modeling & Animation) ---- All images used are open domain
This is my OC (original character), "Ishiko". She grows up to be the Worlds last defence, against the Zombie horde! The idea was to create a Manga style character. Project started in Inkscape 0.92.4 - finished in Inkscape 1.0. Everything in this picture was created in Inkscape. Final colour correction was done in G.I.M.P.
One of the weekly drawing challenges from the "Inkscape - Draw Freely," Facebook Group.
Full title: "The Landscape with a Castle on a Distant Hill, a Head, an Unidentified Source of an Orange Light and Twelve Celestial Bodies, Including Canis Major, Seen During Blue Sunset"
**Dia de la Llibertat del Programari** #DLP2020 #SoftwareFreedomDay 29/09/2020 Cartell de difusió pel debat sobre "Comunicació i Activisme". Dinamitzat per Fedicat: https://fedi.cat/ Imatge en png a: https://pixelfed.anartist.org/p/titi/212324436823642112 Fonts: * Barthowheel CC BY-SA by harvettfox96 https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Download/Descarrega: https://www.dafont.com/barthowheel.font?a=on&l[]=10&l[]=1 * URW Gothic L OFL (per defecte a Inkscape) Download/Descarrega: https://fontesk.com/gothic-typeface/
A Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken comic, taking elements from the original comics and respinning a classic tale.
Artwork by Rizky Djati Munggaran Music by stefsax - ccMixter - Awel www.ridjam.com Digital Painting (Sketch): Krita Vector Graphics: Inkscape Video Editing: Kdenlive Operating System: LinuxMint KDE Real time to completion: 3 H 22 Min
Summer is coming and this will make the perfect wallpaper for any fan of Inkscape and warm weather! Pull open Inkscape today and splash some ink! --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on May 4 2017 2:17 PM: Changed category to 'Artwork'.
Work created for #inkscapechallenge73 (in Inkscape Draw Freely group on facebook). The topic was "waves". I thought about waves of moods, which come and go, and our feelings sometimes just drift on these waves. Inkscape 0.92
The first of a series of banners designed by Ryan Gorley to promote the suite of free and open-source applications available to creatives.
Experimenting with the spirograph extension and the new line style markers.
Inkscape 0.92 : Outils Filets de dégradé – le nuage Inkscape 0.92 : Gradient Mesh Tool – cloud
Derivative of: https://inkscape.org/~bryce/%E2%98%85inkscape-flat-logo-2-color-variant
Based on https://inkscape.org/~jfb/%E2%98%85inkdraft this alpha about screen will be shown on the download page and inside the app's about screen for the alpha. Big thanks to JFB for making this about screen for the 0.92 about screen contest. (this work is now a mixed work copyright both Martin Owens and JFB)
Un Modesto banner para invitar a otros usuarios "Inkscapistas" a unirse a la comunidad. ¡Saluden a Yami! :D (100% Hecho en Inkscape 0.48.3 en Vzla) Más Arte Digital En: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10203549304484830.1073741860.1581325471&type=1&l=d5d1f554dc
The second sticker in the 2017 pack based on the about screen contest.
Circle art iteration from a concept design that took a different route. These are just standard ellipses with white borders with a .7'ish opacity color layer in the middle of the stack. This was supposed to be symmetric but took on a life of its own. Purple = #7734ac Gray = #5e5e5e
This is an animated SVG featuring the Chromatic Aberration Filters available here: <https://inkscape.org/en/~fabien.fellay/%E2%98%85chromatic-aberration-filters> The document also contains vectorized portions of the free and open source font 'Fira Sans'. See <https://carrois.com/typefaces/FiraSans/>. The animation is obtained by using SMIL to rotate the figures continuously and directly alter the filter parameters (x-offset values): <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_animation_with_SMIL> The filters are actually applied on groups surrounding the rotating figures. That way, the decomposition layers remain scattered horizontally while the figures rotate. 27.01.2018: Release Copyright (C) 2018 by Fabien Fellay This artwork is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>
My version of Captain Marvel. This Fan Art was drawn entirely in Inkscape. It took over 10 hours to render to PNG...!
A small tribute from me for my lovely free & open source software design, Inkscape. :)
#InktoberWithInkscape I made a pencil sketch from a Reference photo, scanned it into my PC, imported into Inkscape and used the Calligraphy tool (with Wacom Tablet)to Ink the drawing.
Click on the magnifying glass icon (below the artwork) or select 'open the link in a new window' in your browser for accessing the interactive animation. This interactive document is a SVG live clock inspired (though different) by the Swiss Railway (SBB CFF FFS) iconic station clock by Hans Hilfiker. See <https://www.sbb.ch/>. The document also features vectorized portions of the free and open source font 'Fira Sans' (light weight used). See <https://carrois.com/typefaces/FiraSans/>. The hand colors are chosen according to the RGB canonical color scheme. It is a mnemonic: Red for seconds, Green for minutes and Blue for hours. A JavaScript dynamical simulation is running in order to animate the clock hands. Click on the hands to perturb them. Ctrl+click changes the direction of the perturbation. Shift+click increases the perturbation impulse amplitude. Ctrl and Shift can be combined. The (embedded) script for the dynamical simulation uses Math.js (version 3.16.4, embedded as well): <http://mathjs.org/> V1.0 (04.10.2017): Initial Design V1.1 (06.10.2017): Design Update (the initial version was identical to the SBB CFF FFS clock, leading to potential copyright issues) Copyright (C) 2017 by Fabien Fellay The script is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0). <https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0> <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/> The artwork is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/> --- Curated by Martin Owens on October 6 2017 2:55 PM
Here are how render the svg on my computer because the crispy edges
The most popular free and open-source vector graphics application in the world just hit version 1.0! This release represents a milestone in the progress of this application used by designers, artists, makers, students, and more. As always, Inkscape is available free for download at: https://inkscape.org Thanks to our community of contributors, developers and sponsors for making this release possible. And thank you for using Inkscape!
This picture is only here because of the help from the "Bug Tracking" Team. A huge thank you goes out to two people in particular... Eduard Braun and Tyler Durden. These guys helped recover a corrupt file. :-)
Developed for PlayDiplomacy.com and adapted from an existing variant by Macario Reyes.
Example of blur/shadow limited with mesh gradient
Some modern art I made (with Inkscape, obviously).
Another modern art piece. I call it Pomegranate because of the colors.
A vector illustration of Wil-Wheaton's non-judgmental ninja comics.
My proposal for the Inkscape 0.91 splashscreen.
Katikornius. "STOP GAFAM, STOP DIGITAL SLAVERY". GAFAM = Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft. GAFAM = copyright, centralization, FIAT money and dopamine. Are you used to GAFAM? GAFAM users are used, USE FREE SOFTWARE! La tipografia es diu "Barthowheel" i és CC BY-SA https://blogfonts.com/barthowheel.font gentilesa de Jayvee D. Enaguas (Grand Chaos) https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Salamat per licenciar amb copyleft :)
Colecció Gochi :) Fedigochi (fediverse), Pacogochi (pau), Anarkigochi (anarquisme), Fedigochi Katikornius (edició especial fedi), Samagochi (igual, copyleft), Ninjogochi (ninja).
This is a design i did for a Trail group. I provide the SVG if somebody want to see the nodes work in the runner. I would like to know your opinions and how to improve it if you find something is missed or can improved in terms of design, presentation and so on.
Maqueta Digital (Boceto inicial) de un proyecto que tenemos en mente aupar para la comunidad de ilustradores y creativos digitales bajo software libre :) 100% Hecho con Inkscape 0.91.
Katikornius. "La Kati-senyal! Visca! Algú més es vol desGAFAMitzar. Som-hi!". La tipografia es diu "Barthowheel" i és CC BY-SA https://blogfonts.com/barthowheel.font gentilesa de Jayvee D. Enaguas (Grand Chaos) https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Salamat* per licenciar amb copyleft :) *gràcies en pinoy, (que el xicot es filipí)
To celebrate the release of "They Runined Your Childhood" album by Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys here in Boston.
Made this in Inkscape for a free online magazine about FOSS, the joke consisted of claiming that there will be a print edition.
coldasfire is a pattern made with hexagons designed for the Kde Plasma contest. Inside, the svg file and some color variants.
In the spirit of Inktober I didn't use Ctrl+Z. Pencil sketch scanned into inkscape then inked using Calligraphy tool and Pen tool for shading. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 26 2017 7:51 PM: added Inktober tag
InkscapeMan is an original concept by me, created entirely with Inkscape 0.92.3. If you create a SuperHero he has to have a Comic Book cover... ;-)
Experimentation with vector illustration of cellular life. This isn't based on an actual organism but resembles a cactus cross section if you imagine one of the central rings is the vascular bundle.
New branding for the St. Peter and Paul's Catholic high school in Widnes Cheshire. Redraw, Inkscape 1.0
The official Inkscape Logo in png format. If you would like to use it in your art or on your (merchandising) products, please refer to the Inkscape Trademark Usage policy to find out what you can do and what you shouldn't do. Author of original image: Andrew Michael Fitzsimon
Reference image used in this artwork. https://pixabay.com/photos/fox-mammal-animal-nature-cute-4589927/
Katikornius: gargots per una cultura lliure i fediversa. Collage de xuminadetes katikornials. Les katikornius son una espècie autòctona de la Fediverse, la federació de mitjans socials lliures. https://fedi.cat/fediverse Les katikornius t'animen a passar de la dopamina de les GAFAM. Crea fauna fediversal! Vine i queda't a la Fedi per descentralitzar-ho tot! La tipografia es diu "Barthowheel" i és CC BY-SA https://blogfonts.com/barthowheel.font gentilesa de Jayvee D. Enaguas (Grand Chaos) https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Salamat per licenciar amb copyleft :)
This is a design that i have done to create a t-shirt with my logo and also for promotion purposes. It is slightly different than my previous one in 2018. I have changed the font "La chata" for "Dosis" Which i use a lot on my mock ups. I hope you like it. I upload this to show real examples on how people use inkscape.
Base map for Dissolution, a variant set in 1992, after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Katikornius. En català, gaticorni; en castellà, gaticornio; en esperanto, katikornulo; en anglès, caticorn; en francès, chaticorne. I a partir d'aquí, ja, poseu-li imaginació :)
This is CR's guide to how to ink using the sketch and vectorise tools. This method can produce great results if you're used to using real ink before you put your art into the computer. Upload from the gallery here: https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=artwork/inktober-2017/ if you'd like to take part in InkTober.
Vamox started in 2008 as the graduation project, using open source software to redesign the GUI of an GNU/Linux Opertaing System. In 2014 the theme was updated for compatibility with MATE desktop, and tested on Ubuntu & Fedora. Vamox - blue http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=95244 Vamox - green: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vamox+MATE+%28green%29?content=166332
1812 Overture is an original variant set in the Napoleonic era. This specific edition is a 1080-pixel width variation of the latest version of the variant.
I like the old school Superman costume, so this is my Fanart to celebrate that look! Drawn in Inkscape 0.92.3 and colour adjusted in Gimp 2.10.6
I used music heartthrob Nick Jonas to trace out this partially finished portrait. The outline shapes morph into a pleasant silhouette and when displayed as an icon can be used to symbolize a tech worker, at least that's what I was going for - enjoy.
Katikornius Fediverso. "Si quieres pasar del diseño dopamínico y salir de la burbuja.... Evita tecnologías GAFAM. Usa y promueve tecnologías libres y descentralizadas. ¡Vente al Fediverso y quédate con tus vecinas federadas!". Programas federados: texto (Friendica, GNUsocial, Pleroma, Mastodon, etc.); imagen (Pixelfed); video (Peertube). ¡Vente a la Federación de medios sociales libres! La tipografia es diu "Barthowheel" i és CC BY-SA https://blogfonts.com/barthowheel.font gentilesa de Jayvee D. Enaguas (Grand Chaos) https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Salamat per licenciar amb copyleft :)
Katikonius Jautu Fedigochi. "Cada vez que alguien llega al Fediverso, se activa un fedigochi con una gaticornio dentro. ¡Cuídala!" 0. Lee el código de conducta de tu nodo. 1. ¡Preséntate! Pon algo en tu bio, un avatar y haz tu primera interacción. 2. Reléete antes de publicar para evitar malentendidos. 3. Publica de la Fedi al Pajarraco (y no al revés). 4. Sé amable con las demás vecinas y si te pasas, discúlpate. 5. ¡Y quédate! Tenemos poca dopamina pero muy buenas conversaciones :) #Fediverse #Fediverso #Katikornius #Fedigochi La tipo de los números es Bebas http://bebasfont.com/
Katikornius. La Kati-senyal: En off: "De cop, un con lluminós gegant atravessa el cel i hi grava un misteriós símbol -- la silueta d'una gaticorni!" Humanoide1: "Estan cridant a les gaticornis!" Humanoide2: "Sí, és la Kati-Senyal del centre de Kukikoses!" Katicornius: "Òndia! Algú es vol desgafamitzar! Som-hi!" La tipografia es diu "Barthowheel" i és CC BY-SA https://blogfonts.com/barthowheel.font gentilesa de Jayvee D. Enaguas (Grand Chaos) https://www.deviantart.com/harvettfox96 Salamat de nou per licenciar amb copyleft :) Inspiració per fer la imatge: "The Bat-Signal's debut in Detective Comics #60 (February 1942)." a la wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat-Signal
Pack contain 1 resource file .svg 1 png file Thanks for EtlesTeam for original Ideas
Pinguim linux Créditos imagem original baixada de (http://clipart-library.com/clipart/8iz8R5n4T.htm)
This is the same image as my 2nd submission to About Screen contest 1.0, but with a different color scheme (rainbow colors). Yeah, I might be an old hippie!
Mysterio from the Spiderman Comics. Pencil Sketch then Ink and colour done with Inkscape. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 26 2017 7:51 PM: added Inktober tag
An abstract vector image --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on August 3 2020 12:14 AM
its a ink art from ancient japan. i turn into multilayer ink stroke vector from. since ink give different intensity and color upon the pressure and flow. i tried to make different layer of intensity and merge them into one to feel aesthetic. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 26 2017 7:57 PM: added Inktober tag
To add an extra challenge, this was drawn from memory. I drew one half then mirrored it to get a symmetrical look. Inked with the Calligraphy Tool. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 26 2017 7:51 PM: added Inktober tag
Inkscape foil sticker construction vectors info, sample, print, and 40mm dieline layers. Used for printing "official" general purpose Inkscape stickers. Note that the Inkscape logo is (c) The Inkscape Project. The rest is CC0, and you may use and modify it for any purpose without limitation. Fonts used: "Limelight" and "Lily Script One". Released under Creative Commons License (CC-By-SA 3.0) The Inkscape Logo is trademarked, and is licenced as CC-By-SA 3.0. Logo original author is Andrew Michael Fitzsimon. Enjoy!
This is my first project. In Inkscape my feelings are if you get it done with no mistakes you are not learning. I hope to learn until I am gone. There is no wrong way in Inkscape (that is until the program eats your work). Save your work as often as you BLINK! Thank you Red
This is an animated SVG featuring the Chromatic Aberration Filters available here: <https://inkscape.org/en/~fabien.fellay/%E2%98%85chromatic-aberration-filters> The filters have been adapted in order to obtain a red-cyan decomposition instead of the initial RGB or CMY: the horizontal offset values of the blue/yellow layer have been set to 0 user unit instead of 1. The document also contains vectorized portions of the free and open source font 'Fira Sans'. See <https://carrois.com/typefaces/FiraSans/>. The Moon bitmap picture comes from Wikipedia and is licensed with CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Gregory H. Revera) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#/media/File:FullMoon2010.jpg> The Sun bitmap picture comes from Wikipedia and is in the public domain (CC0). <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun#/media/File:Sun_-_August_1,_2010.jpg> The animation is obtained by using SMIL to directly alter the filter parameters (x-offset values): <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_animation_with_SMIL> 26.01.2018: Release Copyright (C) 2018 by Fabien Fellay This artwork is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description = {{en|Description : An illustration of the 'Double-slit experiment' in physics.}}{{de|[[:de:Doppelspaltexperiment]]}} |date = 2017-08-05 |source = [[:File:Double-slit.PNG]] |author = {{AutVec|o={{Author assumed|[[User:NekoJaNekoJa~commonswiki|NekoJaNekoJa]]}}|{{Ud|JoKalliauer|Johannes Kalliauer}}|Double-slit.PNG}} |permission = |other_versions = {{Other versions/Double-slit}} }} {{Igen|H|v|%|s=d}} {{Grafikwerkstatt}} == {{int:license-header}} == {{self|CC-BY-SA-4.0}} [[Category:Double-slit experiments]] [[Category:Uploaded by JoKalliauer]] [[Category:Files for STC19IN (S1)]]
{{PDF version available|SteelDetail(2D-Truss).pdf}} =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |description={{de|1=Stahldetail}} |date=2013-06-04 |source={{Derived from|File:Stahldetail JoKalliauer.pdf}} *https://commonsarchive.wmflabs.org/wiki/File:Det_JoKa008-Model.dxf *https://commonsarchive.wmflabs.org/wiki/File:Det_JoKa008-Model.dwg |author={{Ud|JoKalliauer|Johannes Kalliauer}} |permission= |other versions=Better Quality: {{F|Stahldetail JoKalliauer.pdf}} |Other fields={{Igen|X|v|+|%|s=d}} }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{self|cc-by-sa-4.0}} [[Category:Truss drawings]] [[Category:Drawings of structural systems]] [[Category:Uploaded by JoKalliauer]] [[Category:SVG created with AutoCAD]] [[Category:SVG created with AutoCAD by JoKalliauer]] [[Category:CAD drawings]] [[Category:Joints (engineering)]]
This is an animated SVG featuring the Chromatic Aberration Filters available here: <https://inkscape.org/en/~fabien.fellay/%E2%98%85chromatic-aberration-filters> The document also contains vectorized portions of the free and open source font 'Fira Sans'. See <https://carrois.com/typefaces/FiraSans/>. The Moon bitmap picture comes from Wikipedia and is licensed with CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Gregory H. Revera) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#/media/File:FullMoon2010.jpg> The Sun bitmap picture comes from Wikipedia and is in the public domain (CC0). <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun#/media/File:Sun_-_August_1,_2010.jpg> The animation is obtained by using SMIL to directly alter the filter parameters (x-offset values): <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_animation_with_SMIL> 26.01.2018: Release Copyright (C) 2018 by Fabien Fellay This artwork is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>
The official Inkscape Logo in png format. If you would like to use it in your art or on your (merchandising) products, please refer to the Inkscape Trademark Usage policy to find out what you can do and what you shouldn't do. Author: Andrew Michael Fitzsimon
Drawn for Day 6 of Inktober2017 This started as a pencil sketch using 3 different reference images, the pose, the clothes and finally the Sword. The Inking was done freehand using the Calligraphy Tool and a Wacom Pen Tablet
Based on the inkscape 2017 about screen contest.
Made with Inkscape and animated with https://svgflipbook.com/
I tried to play with the reflection from the original logo ... it looks a bit like Fuji mountain, so i added some cherry flowers on top right.
Some Polyart I made just for fun. 100% Inkscape. This is 1630 triangles. Pulled some random image off of Google.
Here are how render the svg on my computer because the crispy edges
Katikornius love Public Code. Use and promote free software! Sign the FSFe campaign "Public money, public code" https://publiccode.eu/
Katikornius "El club de la ducha". Este pa'Fanta, que se estaba haciendo unos jaboncikos :)
I made it showing how i inter into imagination with Inkscape.
Images used for Release Notes in Wiki, only for those LPEs that didn't have any graphical representation yet. CC-By-SA because of Inkscape Logo used, authored by Andrew Michael Fitzsimon.
From the 2017 about screen contest comes these stickers.