Creating New Extensions Jigsaw Extension
  1. #1
    hoonior1 hoonior1 @hoonior1

    Hello All,

    Since I'm not smart enough to be able to make my own extension, is there any of you beautiful genius's out there that can do a jigsaw one? I know there is one already, and it looks amazing, but it's not updated to work with 1.3 😥

  2. #2
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    I've tested it ( just basic functionality )

    It works on Inkscape 1.3 ( on ubuntu ) ? 

  3. #3
    hoonior1 hoonior1 @hoonior1

    Hey that's awesome, thanks! I was trying to add the extension from within Inkscape, but the option was greyed out. I'll go to the link you provided and get it from there.

  4. #4
    Neon22 Neon22 @Neon22

    Yep its working. I wrote it and just tested it. I think its only the internal label that needs to be updated... in inkscape ...somewhere.

    I'll try to find out where.

     (several of my extensions also have this problem but do work in 1.3)