I attempted to perform the install as shown in the video, but there are problems. Notably, the typical location for extensions is identifiable in the Preferences, System menu option. This is not how the video presents an installation. I ignored that aspect and stored the extensions in my correct location. The "save" file type now appears as indicated in the video, but the process generates an error.
I suggest searching for a more current video or text solution appropriate for your operating system and for your version of Inkscape.
i found this you tube video and from it, i downloaded inkscape...
problem is...inkscape does not give me the option to save my work as a g code file, which is absolutely what i need to do...
any ideas?
Did you see in your linked video comments the "companion" video link for how to install the Inkscape extension for g-code:
This video is five years old and may not cover newer versions of Inkscape, but it may give you a start in the right direction.
I attempted to perform the install as shown in the video, but there are problems. Notably, the typical location for extensions is identifiable in the Preferences, System menu option. This is not how the video presents an installation. I ignored that aspect and stored the extensions in my correct location. The "save" file type now appears as indicated in the video, but the process generates an error.
I suggest searching for a more current video or text solution appropriate for your operating system and for your version of Inkscape.
thanks so much... found a more current video and now am out of the deep mud...for now...😁