Drawing Challenges, Contests, Competitions New challenges - Rules & Information
  1. #1
    z3z z3z @z3z

    We're launching a new program of challenges here in the forum. We've successfully run these in Inkscape's Facebook group for a while, and thought it was time we brought them over to our official forum too.

    Here are some rules and information on how the challenges will run.

    How it works
    Each month (approximately!) we'll start a new thread with details of the challenge, and we invite you to create something in Inkscape inspired by the challenge theme. You can interpret the theme fairly loosely. It's only a prompt to get you motivated and to start creating.

    Although we're aiming for a month's duration for each challenge, don't stress if you're running a little late. We understand how life can get in the way sometimes. Finish up and post your final image when you can.

    How do I take part
    All you have to do is create your image, then post it in a comment in the challenge thread. An SVG or a PNG/JPG pic is fine. If you need help on how to upload your image to the forum, there are instructions here. When you post your image, you're encouraged to share some information about it, for example, how you were inspired by the topic, how you made it, anything you learned along the way etc.

    If you'd like some help while making your image, there's an area in the forum where you can post WIPs (work in progress). Start a thread in the WIP folder and ask for help/feedback, then post your final image in the challenge thread when you've finished.

    Discussion is encouraged, but always be respectful. Feedback should be constructive, not just critical. Never forget there's a person at the other end, and consider their feelings as you write your comments. Our aim is for Inkscape users to learn and improve their skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. Bullying will not be tolerated, and offensive comments will be removed.

    Acceptable images
    Inkscape is a family-friendly forum, so please keep it clean! Any images showing nudity/adult themes or depicting hate/offensive speech will be removed. No political graphics or statements are permitted.

    No third-party graphics, Every part of your artwork should be created by you using only Inkscape.

    Please don't spam us. Links to online stores/merchandise are not allowed, but you may place your name or pseudonym on your graphic.

    Who wins the challenge?
    Nobody! This isn't a contest or competition. It's a fun and friendly challenge to encourage community participation and to help you learn and grow as an artist.

    However, all uploads to the website (including the challenges) are considered for the Artist of the Month contest.

    If you're not sure about anything, please ask a question.

  2. #2
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    People who participate in the challenges are eligible for larger quotas for uploading images. Let the admin know if you need more space!

  3. #3
    Pepe_Kbron Pepe_Kbron @Pepe_Kbron

    And what about for us Spanish lenguage user? What if some Spanish guys dont speak English?

  4. #4
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @Pepe_Kbron That's a good question. Currently, the challenges are written in English (by me). I don't speak any other languages, but I would welcome a solution should you (or anyone else) have any recommendations.

  5. #5
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    I only speak Spanish, but with a translator I have no problem participating. I think it makes sense to use English, otherwise it would be a chaos of languages. 😋

  6. #6
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Updated original post for monthly challenges.

  7. #7
    José_Quintanilla José_Quintanilla @José_Quintanilla

    @pacer  @Pepe_Kbron Hi guys, I am Josè, I am part of the translators, @pacer do you know if in this forum there is any translation option where I can put the spanish version?


    Kind Regards,


  8. #8
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @José_Quintanilla I am sorry, I don't know, but I am sure @Moini would know.

  9. #9
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    @José_Quintanilla - what did you want to translate here? The posts?

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    @José_Quintanilla Some browser will do for you:

  11. #11
    José_Quintanilla José_Quintanilla @José_Quintanilla

    @Moini - Yes, @Pepe_Kbron exposed that is a little bit difficult for the spanish spokers to participate because the instruction for the challenges normally are in English, as @Polygon said we can use the browser translator or other tools but could be a good option if the posts appears in other languages too.

  12. #12
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    There is no infrastructure for translating posts, but you could repost a translation in the thread, or post an invitation to the Spanish subforum, maybe. And if you want to translate it for social media, you can just tag the Inkscape account with your translation. When I see it, I'll retoot on Mastodon (but it would be safer to tag me in the Vectors chat for it). For Twitter, you'd need to tag Michèle or Mihaela.

  13. #13
    devviktoria devviktoria @devviktoria

    I would like to know if I can use a reference photo to create my entry? I cannot draw to well and for me it is easier if I can trace some lines of the photo to create my piece.

  14. #14
    Marcos González Marcos González @mrks9

    @devviktoria I am not a moderator, but I use references also for some challenges, not a problem, I think.

  15. #15
    Pacer Pacer @pacer🏁

    @devviktoria Marcos is correct, you may use reference images as long as you have the rights to do so. There are many websites which share images which are copyright free.

    An alternative is to take photographs yourself. This adds a level of uniqueness and personal ownership of the graphic. You also get to choose the angle and lighting of the object. (this can make the object easier or more interesting to draw).

    The choice is yours. I look forward to seeing your entries.

    Challenge Coordinator

  16. #16
    José_Quintanilla José_Quintanilla @José_Quintanilla

     Hi devviktoria, sorry for the delay. I think there are no problem, if you are not using the picture directly in your piece.