Beyond the Basics How to Report Bugs or Request New Features
  1. #1
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Hi Friends,

    If you think you might have found a bug in Inkscape, or you want to request a new feature, please first discuss it with us here in the forum.  (Start a new topic in Beyond the Basics board.)  Most of the time (in our experience) the problem is not really a bug, or the desired feature already exists.  And we can help you sort it out.

    If you're an advanced Inkscape or computer user and you're quite sure you have a new bug, or that there is no way to do whatever the feature is, you're welcome to report/request it without discussion.  Both bugs and feature requests are handled in the same place.  Please search first, before you post it, to make sure it hasn't already been posted.

    You will need a GitLab account to comment on an existing bug, report a new bug or request a new feature. Steps are outlined here.

    If you've never reported a bug before, you can learn about all the info which should be included in the report here:

    For a new feature request, of course details are essential.  Screenshots and/or videos could also be helpful in conveying your idea.  If your new feature is like something you've seen in another program, it's probably not enough to just say "like such and such program does it" because developers may have never seen that program.  That can be part of it, but just not the only info in the request.

    And of course we shouldn't close this message without a reminder that Inkscape is an open source project, and suggesting that anyone who has the right kind of coding/hacking skills is welcome to introduce themselves to the project, and jump right in with fixing bugs or making patches or whatever.

    Inkscape developers primarily use the Devel mailing list to communicate, so that's the best place to introduce yourself.   But you can also find developers on their chat channel.   This page will give you a lot of info about how to get started (with the source code). And the developers who answer your message on the mailing list or chat can give you any further info you might need. (They tend not to visit the forum, so you really do need to contact them in those places.)

    Happy Inkscaping!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics How to Report Bugs or Request New Features