I am writing a document in LaTex on the Overlaf online platform, so no LaTex distribution is installed on my PC, my question is: How do I insert latex formulas into a scientific illustration in inkscape?
If it is just a couple of formulas I would suggest you to use an online latex editor like latex.codecogs.com. Paste your expression into the box and chose svg as the file format in the lower left corner. Then press "Click here to Download Image (SVG)". You can adjust the font and so on using the options
Then click Import in the File menu and import the SVG-file into your drawing in Inkscape.
If you want to work with LaTeX on a regular basis I would suggest you to install MiKTeX locally on your computer. Once you have pdflatex available locally Inkscape offer a built-in support for LaTeX. You will find this on the menu bar: Extensions->Render->forumla (pdflatex). However this extension is very buggy and borderline impossible to use.
TexText is a Python extension providing the possibility to add and re-edit LaTeX generated SVG elements to your drawing. It should work out of the box with your MikTeX installation. You might need to install python though.
I am writing a document in LaTex on the Overlaf online platform, so no LaTex distribution is installed on my PC, my question is: How do I insert latex formulas into a scientific illustration in inkscape?
If it is just a couple of formulas I would suggest you to use an online latex editor like latex.codecogs.com. Paste your expression into the box and chose svg as the file format in the lower left corner. Then press "Click here to Download Image (SVG)". You can adjust the font and so on using the options
Then click Import in the File menu and import the SVG-file into your drawing in Inkscape.
If you want to work with LaTeX on a regular basis I would suggest you to install MiKTeX locally on your computer. Once you have pdflatex available locally Inkscape offer a built-in support for LaTeX. You will find this on the menu bar: Extensions->Render->forumla (pdflatex). However this extension is very buggy and borderline impossible to use.
I would recommend installing TexText
TexText is a Python extension providing the possibility to add and re-edit LaTeX generated SVG elements to your drawing. It should work out of the box with your MikTeX installation. You might need to install python though.
Remember to use $-$ around your math expressions.
Thanks for your reply @jr0th. I will carefully evaluate which option to choose and eventually report my feedback.