Beginners' Questions user defined palette suddenly in "dark mode"
  1. #1
    Cheryll Cheryll @Cheryll


    I use a user defined palette with just a very little count of colors. Suddenly the colors changed to 'a little bit darker', all of them.

    E.g. I have the brightest pink Windows offers. When I click it now (the palette shows the wish-pink still) the added color is a softer and darker pink. This is true for all colors of my palette.

    Is there a mode I may have changed by mistake?

    Thank you for hints.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    If you share an example file, we can make a better guess.

  3. #3
    Cheryll Cheryll @Cheryll

    have it! Just a view:

    My inkscape ist German and the point is "Ansicht - Farbverwaltungsansicht" was to uncheck.

    For international it should be "View" and the 9th point on the menu there, can be by the name of something like "administration of colors".

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions user defined palette suddenly in "dark mode"