1. #1
    Anthony1 Anthony1 @Anthony1

    hello, i am trying to cut my planks of wood to the shape inside in red , its hard to see the shape but it is there , how can i do that? also the piece that sticks out of the bottom, i'm guessing it would be the same way , i hope i'm explaining myself properly, thank you

    Wood Grain
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Combine the planks which are hopefully color filled shapes - make sure your trim path is closed and above the plank object - then select both and go Path->Intersection.

    Edit: Intersection is the tool Iยดd have recommended in first place.

  3. #3
    Anthony1 Anthony1 @Anthony1

    i tried that and nothing happened, when i combined the three planks they turned black and white with no infill just lines

  4. #4
    Anthony1 Anthony1 @Anthony1

    so i realized that i had drawn a box around the planks which had also been grouped , so when i ungrouped them and differenced them the opposite of what i want to happen, happens, can i reverse it?

  5. #5
    Anthony1 Anthony1 @Anthony1

    ooh , intersection worked๐Ÿ‘