You could try the Live Path Effect (Path>Path Effects>) 'Perspective/Envelope' assuming you have Inkscape version 0.92.3 or later unless there is some special feature of the Extension that you need to use.
On-line Inkscape manual (Help>Inkscape Manual) "Chapter 8 Live Path Effects" has good general info about using LPEs and the Perspective/Envelope LPE is pretty self-explanatory.ย (the manual is not yet updated from version 0.48.5 to show Perspective/Envelope as an available LPE)
The object to be reshaped (text in your case) must be a single path (use Path>Combine or >Union) and Selected (Selector tool) before you apply Path Effects.ย Click on the Plus sign (+) under the Path Effects dialog window to open a menu of Path Effects; select Perspective/Envelope.
To 'capture' your modified text (when you get it shaped the way you want) - convert it to a new path (Path>Object to Path).
This is what Iยดve guessed - in former version it was just: type text - object to path - draw 4 point shape - select both - go extension->generate from path->Perspective - done. The Groupie-thingy nowadays drives me nuts.
I am trying to apply this tools but always show this message:
I follow this stepes:
1. Write the text.
2. Draw a rectangle with the Bezier tool.
3. Text to Paht.
4. Select Text and rectangle.
5. Go to Extensions - Modify Path - Perspective.
Then, the program shows that message (file uploaded).
I donยดt know what it is happening.
Describe your OS & version, the version of Inkscape and the installer you used.
Most likely you have a "group" after the text conversion after Object to Path: ungroup and combine then go ahead with 4.
You could try the Live Path Effect (Path>Path Effects>) 'Perspective/Envelope' assuming you have Inkscape version 0.92.3 or later unless there is some special feature of the Extension that you need to use.
On-line Inkscape manual (Help>Inkscape Manual) "Chapter 8 Live Path Effects" has good general info about using LPEs and the Perspective/Envelope LPE is pretty self-explanatory.ย (the manual is not yet updated from version 0.48.5 to show Perspective/Envelope as an available LPE)
The object to be reshaped (text in your case) must be a single path (use Path>Combine or >Union) and Selected (Selector tool) before you apply Path Effects.ย Click on the Plus sign (+) under the Path Effects dialog window to open a menu of Path Effects; select Perspective/Envelope.
To 'capture' your modified text (when you get it shaped the way you want) - convert it to a new path (Path>Object to Path).
Lotยดs of guess work without knowing the OS and version.
Thanks PixelPest. It helped me. Doing Objetc to Path - Ungroup - Combine.. It was the solution. By the way, I have the last version.1.0ย
This is what Iยดve guessed - in former version it was just: type text - object to path - draw 4 point shape - select both - go extension->generate from path->Perspective - done. The Groupie-thingy nowadays drives me nuts.
Adding to this. In current version 1.0.1, the extension stopped working because my default template had no layers.
Strange enough that it didnยดt work with the "root"-layer. (v1.0.1 (2a5465c, 2020-09-20))