Beginners' Questions task bar blocks palette
  1. #1
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    Very annoying task bar that is blocking the color palette.  Is anyone working on this problem?

  2. #2
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Hover your cursor over the palette and use the mouse wheel to scroll through colour tiles.

    [click] the hamburger menu icon to the right of the palette then [Configure...] [Rows: 2]. Increase this default value or reduce the tile size to show more colours.

  3. #3
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    over and scroll no va amigo

  4. #4
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Works for me (macos and windows, Inkscape 1.4). Has anybody else seen this problem?

  5. #5
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    It works sometimes and other times it does not.  In any case, the taskbar blocks almost all of the color palette.  Its a major pita.  I dont know if this is just a windows 11 problem or also windows 10.  IT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED CLEARLY.

  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–
    1. Describe your OS (your computer's Operating System: Mac/Windows/Linux/etc. & version).
    2. Describe if Inkscape was newly installed, or upgraded from an earlier version.
    3. Describe the version of Inkscape and the installer you used (the file you downloaded from the web: .msi/.exe/.zip/appimage/other, PPA/Snap/Flatpak, dmg/other )
    4. Describe any special hardware being used, like tablet/stylus, external drives or multiple monitors.
    5. Describe any helper/assistive programs or keyboard modifiers (macros, languages, etc.).

    Bonus points, if you:

    • Attach* a screenshot of the issue.
  7. #7
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre
    1. windows 11 23H2
    2. Inkscape 1.4 (86a8ad7, 2024-10-11)

                            Compile  (Run)
          GLib version:     2.82.1
          GTK version:      3.24.43 (3.24.43)
          glibmm version:   2.66.7
          gtkmm version:    3.24.9
          libxml2 version:  2.12.9
          libxslt version:  1.1.42
          Cairo version:    1.18.2 (1.18.2)
          Pango version:    1.54.0 (1.54.0)
          HarfBuzz version: 10.0.1 (10.0.1)

          OS version:       Windows 11 23H2

    3. MSI download

    4. Laptop with logitech mouse and keyboard

    5. Spanish and English keyboard packs.  No language packs.

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Thank you.

    Unfortunately, the recording does not show the entire screen, so we cannot tell if the Inkscape window is maximized.

  9. #9
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    When I click on the video it shows the entire screen.  it shows the mouse hovering over the palette.  I have to make it short because video files get big fast.

  10. #10
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    A screenshot would suffice. 

    This fullscreen screenshot shows that the sides are cut off as are the top and bottom. We cannot tell if the Inkscape window is maximized.

    We should see the status bar at the bottom below the palette, the pull down menus at the top, etc.


    Vlc 20250131175646
  11. #11
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    ah, yes it was maximized.  i was focused on the pallete i didnt do a full screenshot.

  12. #12
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    I'm not seeing any bug reports on the issue.

    A fullscreen screenshot of the Inkscape and the desktop like this one could be revealing.


    Inkscape 20250131184828
  13. #13
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    this is the full screenshot

  14. #14
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    This could be a new bug.

    Let's try this: Please untick the checkbox in the menu: View>Widescreen and take a screenshot; then restore, and then maximize the Inkscape window.

  15. #15
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre


  16. #16
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–



  17. #17
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    unchecking wide screen fixed it.  ty

  18. #18
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Feel free to file a bug report:

  19. #19
    pixelpadre pixelpadre @pixelpadre

    widescreen keeps loading when ever I start inkscape.  Not sure which way is better actually.