Beginners' Questions Rounding Sharp Angles
  1. #1
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    I want to round some sharp (90 degree) corners to inlay some text.  I can change the text to a path and at each sharp corner insert a node a short way away from the corner node and eliminate the corner node and that rounds the corner.  Is there an easier way to do it?

    Ethan'S Toys
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    LPE „Corners“ on only selected nodes for instance.

  3. #3
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    Can anyone tell me what "LPE" means and where the "kerning" tab is?

  4. #4
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    LPE = Live Path Effect. Select your shape. [Path > Path Effects...] to open the dialog. In the dropdown list, choose Corners.

    Inkscape has several tools that take data from a path and apply some calculations to create a new path. In this case corner nodes will be replaced by circular arcs. Here's a link to a video tutorial.

  5. #5
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Kerning can be adjusted in the Text toolbar. On the far right there's a dropdown arrow to reveal hidden icons. Perhaps they're not hidden if your screen is wider than mine. 

    I find it easier to use keyboard shortcuts.

    When you inevitably make a mess of your text, you'll be glad to find [Text > Remove Manual Kerns].

    Kerning Tools
  6. #6
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    After playing with Path Effects I realize that is not what I need.  I am using the file to cut a shape with a tool for inlays so I need the path to be rounded, not the path effect.  I could snap a 2mm diameter circle to the corner (to get a 1mm radius) and change the path by hand but that would be tedious, which I don't mind, but also difficult to get exact (which I do mind).  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Like this?

  8. #8
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    No, because even though the stroke is rounded the path, which is what my tool sees, is still square.  This is what I'm looking for an accurate (and easy if possible) way to do.

  9. #9
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Then we´re again at LPE Corners which will do exactly what you want:

    Or the Rectangle object and its properties:

    Router Pass:


  10. #10
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    I'm sorry, but either I'm missing something or we are talking at cross purposes.  In your above example the upper left corner has the stroke rounded but the actual path is 90 degrees.  Since I need the path to be curved (not just the stroke) I always keep the "show path outline(without path effects)" tab active.  In the upper right had corner the node is not showing but it looks like the actual path corner is still 90 degrees even though the stroke has been rounded.  My tool follows the path without effects added.  If you have done something that transforms the upper left corner in to the upper right hand corner and when you turn on the show path outline tab and the path is curved in the corner, then I need to know what you did


  11. #11
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I'm sorry, but either I'm missing something or we are talking at cross purposes.

    Perhaps. I added another image above. Refresh please. 

  12. #12
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    OK, I see the issue now.  I have to cut both the inside and outside pieces.  In order to make the pieces fit exactly (from the same file) I cut the inside piece as an "outside cut" so the inside edge of the bit rides on the path and an "inside cut" for the base that the inlay is going in to.  The piece that is the outside angle can be cut square but the inside angle piece needs to have a radius no smaller than my smallest bit.  Since the router will not be cutting exactly on the path but up to it on the inside and outside for each piece they will not fit if I cut "Online" for both pieces (each will lose 1/2 the thickness of the bit).  I hope I've made my issue clear.  Bottom line is that I need the corners of the path that the router travels to be rounded.  Unless this somewhat convoluted explanation suggests another solution I think the best way I can do it is take a quarter of a circle that is the radius that I need and place it in the corner, break the original path and insert the radius.  It's not very hard for this piece as I just need to do 4 corners but other projects may have a lot more sharp angles.


  13. #13
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe this... after using corner lpe, then Path>Object to path

  14. #14
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    Exactly what I needed.  Thank You

  15. #15
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    I have a question about the LPE.  In practicing I made a 5 in X 5 in square and attempted to add an exaggerated radius (of 2 in) to all corners but it only rounded them a very small amount.  Here is the file and a screenshot of the settings.  Can you see what I am doing wrong?


  16. #16
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I can reproduce the issue here, so I rekon it's a bug.

  17. #17
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Have you tried with unchecked „Use knots distance instead radius“?

    To determine the two paths, it is usually sufficient to draw the shape once - then duplicate the path - set the stroke width to 2 times the cutter diameter and then go to Path->Stroke to Path - kill fill color set stroke width+color.

  18. #18
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Works here under macOS/Inkscape1.4 as far as I can tell. Which Inkscape version is this? 


  19. #19
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    Inkscape 1.1 with Windows 10

  20. #20
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Why not the latest Inkscape1.4?

  21. #21
    dwhall dwhall @dwhall

    This is very strange: Experimented on Windows 11 with Inkscape 1.4

    When I first tried this I experienced the same errant behavior, played around with the parameters then Ctrl-Zed back to original rectangle.

    Did this twice, same result.

    Third time, LPE now behaved correctly, and I am unable to replicate original errant behaviour.

  22. #22
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    "Why not the latest Inkscape1.4?"....Mostly just cuz.  I don't normally update every version but it looks like it's time, especially if it will work in 1.4