Beginners' Questions Right offset and alignment for repeatitive icon background
  1. #1
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te



    I'm looking for a way to find an offset like the attached image. I can create a grid in Inkscape and snap it to that. But I cannot really reproduce the same effect where this image could be repeated and would like a consistent wallpaper. Does anyone know the right steps to create the right offset and alignment to create such a repetitive pattern with small icons like these?


    Teams Pattern
  2. #2
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    do you need it to be real pattern ? (pattern fill) also, does it have to be the same as in the image  that every object is different ? or you need to repeat and offset just same object ?

  3. #3
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    Hi @AdamBelis, I have in total 4 SVG icons. What I want to create is a similar pattern as you see in the first image I attached, where you can then repeat the same image multiple times, without seeing that it's actually just one image. I've attached an example, there's the background image also from.

    I guess it will be up to me to find the right sequence of those images, probably also the right pattern. But if someone done this before, then please tell me the method to do this. So if someone can point me towards the right direction of creating these kind of patterns, then I can figure out the rest, I hope. :)

    Screenshot 2022 08 08 At 16 04 53 Latest Release Notes Topic
  4. #4
    mendy mendy @mendy

    All I see is a screenshot of Security Releases.

  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

  6. #6
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    if its still relveant in few days I can make you a tutorial 

  7. #7
    mendy mendy @mendy

    Ok on my screen the pattern portion was not readibly discerned until blown way up. My bad.

  8. #8
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    @AdamBelis, that would be awesome! Thanks! I've attached my project file, I'm a bit stuck, so in case you want to use that as a starting point.

    Discourse Background
  9. #9
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    Anyone else? Maybe @AdamBelis?

  10. #10
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Here's my suggestion.

    Use the tiled clones dialog [Edit > Clone > Create Tiled Clones...] to build a grid of squares. Make more clones of your symbols [Edit > Clone > Create Clone] or [alt+d]. You need at least as many as there are squares in your grid. Now select both sets of clones and open the align and distribute dialog [Object > Align and Distribute...] or [shift+ctrl+a]. In the dialog, click [Exchange positions of selected objects]. Click it, click it, and click it some more.

    Screenshot and SVG attached.

    Aside: The file you uploaded is huge. Use [File > Clean Up Document] to remove unnecessary cruft.

  11. #11
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    @Paddy_CAD thanks for the example and instructions! I've followed them and I don't really see how this may end up like that infinite image I posted in the first post. As in that you can repeat the same image to infinity and it will look like one consistent pattern. I've somewhat have the same as you show in your screenshot now. But that won't generate an infinite pattern. Unless I'm misunderstanding it and a final step is suppose to take care of that?

  12. #12
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'd set the page to 1200 x 1200 px.

    Make a grid of 75 px intervals and set the objects 150 apart.

    Then make an empty rectangle page-size and select all on the page (including the rectangle)

    Then use Object>Pattern>Objects to pattern.

    The pattern will be available as a fill for any object; a rectangle can be filled and sent to the back as a background.


  13. #13
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    That looks really good!!

    [x] I'd set the page to 1200 x 1200 px.

    [x] Make a grid of 75 px intervals and set the objects 150 apart.

    I've made this now (see attachment). This looks exactly what I wanted. Only one more question. I want this to be exported as a PNG and then let the pattern fall into a repeated pattern when this PNG is repeated. Because I think the Discourse background logo works like that. The theme hasn't been released publicly yet. So I can't say for certain, but I think there are just 2 options. Stretch image over screen, or repeat the image. How should such a pattern best be saved? Is the example attached about right? I don't know how to test it out other than to create a simple HTML page and then repeat the image. In GNOME they removed the option to repeat an image as background.

    Edit: See PNG attachment, the pattern doesn't look smooth. Will tweak some more later, but any hints would be more than welcome!


    Screenshot 2022 08 21 At 11 07 46 Iop
    Discourse Background Grid
  14. #14
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    If this will be tiled by other software, I'd export the Page area as PNG, and skip the conversion to pattern.

  15. #15
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    I wish it was that easy! :) If it works for you, could you then please modify my SVG to make the infinite tile layout possible? I know this comes of as lazy, it's not that, it's a bit hard and time consuming to get this done for me. I'd understand if you see this as a "you problem" :)


    Maybe something like this will do the trick, although my set of images are of 4, not a single image.



    Edit, got it! See attachment.

    Discourse Background Grid
  16. #16
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    EDIT : I see you have edited your message while I was replying. Please note the reply below was composed before your reply was edited.


    It pretty much is that easy.  You can do this.

    In the examples below, I've put a colored rectangle behind the pattern. It's the size of the page.  I've also grouped all the objects in the pattern, so I can reduce the opacity and make them less punchy.

    Then simply use the Export dialog to export the page as a png. 

    You'll probably want to modify your file to set the color of the rectangle in the back and the level of opacity of the objects, before you export. Or, make multiple versions to get feedback on what works best.

    Attached are a screen recording of export, and the Image tiled as a background in Mint 20 MATE.


    Export Discourse Background Td
  17. #17
    AquaL1te AquaL1te @AquaL1te

    Thanks a million! This really helped me out.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Right offset and alignment for repeatitive icon background