Beginners' Questions Remove Path outside of document page area
  1. #1
    psk psk @psk

    Hello Inkscape fans ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have recently started using Inkscape and I'm looking for help because I've spent the last few hours trying to do something(which I think should be quite simple).

    I'm using Inkscape to convert text/images to gcode. And now to my problem:

    I want to split a Path(hopefully more than one Path) into multiple Path. 

    So I have a text(which is already "converted" to Paths. And I want to split those Paths to two groups:

    1. Inside the Document Area

    2. Outside the Document Area.

    I've attached a screenshot that shows the issue.

    I'm able to split the text using the Path -> Division option. I select the rectangle and the text object and use the Path -> Division option. But this only works if the text is a text object and it doesn't work if it is already  converted to Paths. Is it possible to split the text if it is already converted to Paths?

    I'm using Inkscape 1.2.2.

    By the way, I'm doing this because my cnc machine area is small, so I have to split the text. Is this the best approach? I assume it is common issue for machines that need that to "work"(cut/engrave/etc) on objects larger than the machine area.





    Inkscape Paths
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Select rectangle and united/combined text and duplicate and with the 2 objects selected go Path->Intersect etc.

  3. #3
    psk psk @psk

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Maybe I did something wrong but It didn't work. Attaching screenshots of my attempt and the result.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    As I said the text needs to be one object either via select these glyphs then Path->Combine or Path->Union.

  5. #5
    psk psk @psk

    Ok. Thanks! It worked - the text is split into two.

    But now I was thinking that there might be an issue because I guess it will add additional cuts.

    So now to the question - Is this the best approach to be used?

    My goal is to cut the text, but the cnc machine area is small so I have to split it. I added a screenshot with my concerns about additional cut.

    Cut Split
  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    From what I get out of your screenshot you will get two loose objects from the right side of the "e". Can't tell if that's a hurdle for the CNC or later assembly. Maybe make cut per glyph is safer.

  7. #7
    psk psk @psk

    Thanks. However in some cases the letters are not separated one from another.

    I'm newbie and I have a lot to read about the topic ๐Ÿ™‚

    Apparently this process is commonly known as "tiling" or "nesting". Do you have any idea if this is possible using Inkscape?(or via a plugin?)

  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Iยดm not 100% sure what tiling/nesting means it this case.

  9. #9
    psk psk @psk

    What do you mean?

    You are not aware of such processes called tiling/nesting, or you don't get what I'm trying to do?

    My goal is to make a big sign with a small cnc machine.

    I'm making the sign with Inkscape and converting it to Gcode using gcodetools plugin. But because the CNC area is small, I need to first make only half of the sign, and then make the second half.

    My initial idea was that I should split the sign path into 2 parts and run their gcode's one by one.

    But the more I think about it, the more I hope that there is another way.

    E.g. - I would love to somehow(via Inkscape or gcodetools plugin) to make the gcode for only half of my document. Or perhaps there is another way?

    I apreciate any ideas. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. #10
    Windell Oskay Windell Oskay @oskay

    You might try the destructive clip extension:

  11. #11
    psk psk @psk

    I tried it, but it nothing happens. (I guess I'm doing something wrong ๐Ÿค” )

    I selected a path and a rectangle(which is partially on top of it) and click on the Modify path -> Destructive Clip and nothing happens.

    Attaching screenshot of what I'm doing.

  12. #12
    Windell Oskay Windell Oskay @oskay

    Apparently so. I've made a minor change to that extension so that it will work again, and submitted a pull request for it.  Until that pull request is accepted, you can find a patched and working version at:  (I will delete this fork once the PR is accepted; the original link at is the authoritative one.)

    Also, make sure that everything in your document -- including the rectangle -- is converted to a path first.

  13. #13
    psk psk @psk

    Thanks for spending time to fix this. I tried again using your fork and now it is loading for a second and after that there are some exceptions, so I couldn't really verify if it will work.(yes, both the rectangle and the text are Paths)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Applications/", line 186, in <module>
      File "/Applications/", line 231, in run
      File "/Applications/", line 172, in effect
        path = str(inkex.Path(self.linesgmentsToSimplePath(clippedSegments)))
      File "/Applications/", line 1359, in __init__
    TypeError: Move.__init__() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given

    Anyway, at this point I think that maybe I need to spend some time using Inkscape and getting familiar with the terms and concepts.

    Thank you all for the helpful answers! ๐Ÿ™‚


  14. #14
    Windell Oskay Windell Oskay @oskay

    Can you post the document? I tried with text and rectangles and can't get this error.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Remove Path outside of document page area