Beginners' Questions Issues clipping an image
  1. #1
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    I saved an image as svg from powerpoint.  I've imported it into Inkscape and cropped it (yeah!).  However, only that part of the image to the right side of a vertical blue line down the middle of the view / work screen is retained.  The part of the image to the left of this blue line is lost.  I've hacked around to see if I can reposition the imported image to the right side of the blue line and also to see if I can get rid of the blue line, Nadah!  Can anyone help?  I'm at the hair pulling stage!

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Huh - can we have the file or at least a screenshot? (Paperclip icon for upload or dragging into the editor window)

  3. #3
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Wow!  Thankyou for the quick response.  Please find attached a screen shot.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I´m not sure I understand the issue as the image looks complete to me. From what I see looking at the ruler it seems the left part is outside the page size - could this be the culprit here?


  5. #5
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Yep, I was pretty sure it was the page fold / ruler but didn't want to presume, so just described what I could see.  Just to refine my description of the issue, the truncated / partially cropped svg image becomes apparent after I have saved it in Inkscape and am attempting to view it (e.g., in Microsoft Edge).  Let me upload what I'm seeing in Microsoft Edge....Thanks again for being here for me.

    Inkscape 2
  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I guess that´s an display issue in Edge - what not on the page gets ignored - makes sense apparently. Please try the following in Inkscape. With everything visible+selected go Document Properties-Page->and hit "Resize page to content or selection". Save again and check in ME.

    When page size is crucial select all and group and scale into current page size.

  7. #7
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Wasn't able to find the options / drop downs etc you describe in ME.  So, to further test the issue I tried uploading the saved inkscape image into my wordpress image library and saw the same image as I'm seeing in ME (i.e., truncated image).  So I then tested by importing the image back into Inkscape and what I see on screen is the original image prior to clipping.  So I'm thinking.  There are maybe two issues in series here.

    1. The first issue is that I'm not actually successfully cropping my image in the first place. A clue here is that when I followed the instructions to clip the image in Inkscape (and I cross checked 3 different web sites for those instructions) I noticed a departure from what was expected at the point that I chose Object > Clip > Set in that nothing happened to my shape outline, it remained as dashed outline (the instructions suggested I should see a double black arrow at each corner and at the centre of the 4 corners of the rectangle shape).  I was worried about this to the extent that I cross checked the 3 different web sites and hacked around a lot in Inkscape (using any likely looking drop down option) the try and bring up those double black arrows but nothing.
    2. Whatever image I'm saving in Inkscape is being truncated to the left of the left page margin indicated in screen by the vertical blue line.

    Sorry about this, I'm dragging you deeper down into my Inkscape issues...I'm otherwise a pretty technical computer geeky type of guy!

  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I still believe the truncated portion isn´t on the page - boom. Clipping in general is pretty easy: draw a rectangle, adjust size+placement, select everything and go Object->Clip->Set. But again; make sure your content is on the page!

  9. #9
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Thanks.  But your losing me now.  If it helps I believe your latest advice addresses issue number 2 and advises that I make sure all of my imported image is positioned on the page, i.e., to the right of the vertical blue line.  This is a part of my original issue, I can't figure out how to achieve it, could you advise how I achieve this?

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    It depends on whether the page is large enough or the content is small enough to fit within the page....

    The easiest way is as I already said: With everything visible+selected go Document Properties-Page->and hit "Resize page to content or selection". Save again and check in ME.

  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Archie123, please share the SVG from PP.

  12. #12
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Thanks Polygon.  Ha, your instructions refer to Inkscape and not to ME.  That's sorted the blue line issue.  Now to resolve my failure at the point I carry out the "Object > clip > set" process?

    Tyler, thanks for joining.  Please find attached the original SVG that I saved out of Powerpoint.


    Complete Solution
  13. #13
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Thank you for the file. I'll take a look in Edge when I get to my office later today.

    What areas are you clipping to?  Removing excess whitespace, or...?

  14. #14
    Archie123 Archie123 @Archie123

    Thanks Tyler...yep all I'm trying to do is trim away the redundant white space from around the outside of the image (plus trim of the image title).  So basically 1. Import the image.  2. draw the rectangle shape around the part of the image I want to retain, 3. make the shape transparent, 4. select object>clip>set (this is where I think I'm failing somehow).  5. select File > Save as.  Gotta be absolutely easy??? 

  15. #15
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Ja, don't even need to make the rectangle transparent.

    3.a) Select both objects.

    Should be easy.

    Two experiments I'd try on your end:

    1. Group the artwork (group of one object). Then try your clip.
    2. Release the existing clip of the original svg and delete the black rectangle, then try your clip.
  16. #16
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Verified that modes 1 and 2 display properly in Edge.

  17. #17
    ryujinscales ryujinscales @ryujinscales

    same here

  18. #18
    Elfengour Elfengour @Elfengour

    I have been facing the same issue for months, please share the right solution.

  19. #19
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    @Elfengour, please describe your specific issue in greater detail.