Beginners' Questions Import Clip Art /
  1. #1
    Helge Helge @geoxis

    I just discoverd the "File => Import Clip Art" and that sounds very useful. However, it doesn't seem to work as I don't get any results for whatever search I try.

    If I'm not mistaken, this tools is based on, which seems to be broken as well... Is there anything I can do to make this work (like switching to another server)?

    Thanks for your help! :-)

  2. #2
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    The open clipart feature has been removed from future Inkscape releases because the service went down for a long time and is only back in a limited fashion. It shouldn't be used in older versions.

  3. #3
    Helge Helge @geoxis

    What a pity, it seemed like a nice thing to have.

    Thanks for taking the time and letting me know. :-)

  4. #4
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    No problem. The goal for the future is to have different extensions that users can optionally install to get access to clipart and other media searches. But we'd have them optionally (and they won't be ready for a while)

  5. #5
    Helge Helge @geoxis

    Sounds great. I'm happy to hear that the general idea hasn't been abandoned for good.

  6. #6
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Sounds great. I'm happy to hear that the general idea hasn't been abandoned for good.


    We are still brainstorming.


  7. #7
    Helge Helge @geoxis

    Oh, nice. Apparently, I didn't find that thread when I searched the forum for Thanks!
    It will take me some time to make my way through all these storming thoughts. :-)

  8. #8
    Alecjays63 Alecjays63 @Alecjays63

    Have been using inkscape for a while now and still no way to imprt clipart is inkscape broken or still having trouble with the server that provides the clipart ?

    I was wondering will there be a new update this year from 0.92 to a newer one?

  9. #9
    brynn brynn @brynn

    If you read the message thread which you replied in, you would not need to ask.

    This option will be removed in future Inkscape versions because the site is no longer reliable.

    Personally, that feature never worked for me anyway.

    We currently have version 1.0beta2.  1.0 stable should be coming next, as far as I know.  I have not heard of any plans for 1.0beta3, but it might happen.  There has been no official info regarding when 1.0 will be released as stable.  Could it be this year?  Maybe.  Not this year?  Maybe.  No one knows for sure.  At least no one has said so.

  10. #10
    robsmithncl robsmithncl @robsmithncl

    I downloaded the beta and found that the option to import from openclipart has indeed been removed which is understandable since the site is unreliable as Brynn quite rightly pointed out. I don't understand why the feature / function is being abandoned completely. I don't know enough about programming for me to advise on this, but why not open up the architecture to other sources. As an example give sites like or the ability to go through an approval process with inkscape to have search capability included in the program, giving the user to ability to turn on or off various approved sources, or how about making a universal plugin that allows the average user who has download inkscape to add those sites details and api key manually.

    Seems to me Inkscape are missing a golden opportunity to unite these ever expanding gallery of images found elsewhere under one roof, me personally I would much prefer to search directly within inkscape than to trawl 10+ sites every time I need an image.

  11. #11
    brasno brasno @brasno

    I can see that is now working. I'd like to see it again in "import clipart".

  12. #12
    robsmithncl robsmithncl @robsmithncl

    So if ever there is a time when openclipart goes down again with no advanced warning then inkscape are left with a broken plugin like last time. I Don't personally see why OCAL is the only site that got / get's to participate, seems a bit corrupt to me, think these board of directors pulling the strings at inkscape need to open up to a much broader community. OCAL is not the only source of free clipart,


  13. #13
    robsmithncl robsmithncl @robsmithncl

    If Inkscape does reintroduce the plugin then I think they should build in some redundancy, so if OCAL were to go down again then at least the collection will be preserved and accessible to the public. There are two sites that popped up to restore the collection when OCAL was down for a year and who are now mature sites hosting a partial backup of the OCAL collection along with new content either created by themselves, or submitted by users, they even have their own API so you don't even have reinvent the wheel to integrate their sites into your plugin. To be honest if these sites hadn't came along, then it's debatable whether OCAL would have returned anyway, so their intervention was a good thing all round.

    It seems OCAL librarians are already actively engaged in poaching CC0 images found at other sites, which is fine when they give credit to the original author, but it just seems silly to me that users are contributing to 3 separate places, and each site have to physically copy to and from one another, if all 3 sites were to collaborate they could share their contributions even if they aren't sharing META data so the entire collection is backed up and always accessible, they could each operate independently and release their backups on six months cycle, the two sites I mentioned already provided backups to the public, to my knowledge OCAL is the only site that does not.

    INKSCAPE has the leverage to make this happen, even if my idea's are unattainable then surely there is a solution.

  14. #14
    h6w h6w @h6w

    @robsmithncl If you had done any research on OpenClipart or licensing at all you would know these statements to be horribly wrong.  OpenClipart has never "pulled strings", only contributed hard work to provide better support for Inkscape users.  I lose count of the number of times I go back and forth between OpenClipart and Inkscape each day.

    At the time, OpenClipart *was* the *only* source of CC0 clipart.

    FreeSVG was able to copy the entire library and distribute it *only because* the OpenClipart license is the most free license available for clipart.  No credit to the original author is required at all.  At the time this was the *only* site doing CC0.  CC0 *does not* require author attribution.

    I don't disagree that diversity of options is useful, and the old "Import Clipart" menu item was a quick hack never intended to be a long-term solution.  I don't disagree that the outage inconvenienced a lot of users.  But that doesn't give you the right to spread malicious rumour.  If more people had helped Bassel Safadi before his untimely end, then there would never have been such an extended outage. (That's not intended to play down the others in the OpenClipart community who were also working hard and suffered a lot from his loss and rebuilt OpenClipart back to what it is today.) 

    Slighting a man who gave his life and time selflessly for our betterment is just not ok.  Slighting people who put in hard work for all our benefit is not ok either.

    If you can do better, then I suggest you contribute rather than criticise.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Import Clip Art /