Beginners' Questions How to resize drawing to fit a page size.
  1. #1
    Marke MeAll76 Marke MeAll76 @MarkMeAll76

    Most of the time, I'm working with 4 page size format ( A4 , A5, A6 and A7 )
    So, each time, I need to change the page size and do a select all content to adjust to the page size.

    Do we have a way , to resize the draw to fit the page size ?
    or a command line to resize the .svg , something like : "inkscape myfile.svg convert A4 A7"

    Inkscape 1.2


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I have not found an extension to fit content to page, but questions remain...

    Why not start with the target page size (open template) and work to size?

  3. #3
    Brian Merchant Brian Merchant @bhmerchant

    You can resize the page to content by:


    1) Select all content the page should be resized to.

    2) Press CTRL + SHIFT + D to open up page properties.

    3) Press the resize to content button.

    If no content was selected, then the page will be resized to all available content.

  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The OPs question is for the reverse... resize the content to the page.

  5. #5
    InkJack InkJack @InkJack

    You got file in A4 which should be scaled to A5.

    1. Create a rectangle with  A5 dimensions
    2. Cop that rectangle to clipboard
    3. Select all on your A4 page
    4. Use menu paste (the one with the flyout) and choose size

    Now everything should be scaled to A5.


  6. #6
    mendy mendy @mendy

    Hi @InkJack

    Wonder if you might be able to try this file with your method to see if it works. When I do it it the way I think am following correctly it ends up resized to A5 but the rectangle is size of A5 thus losing the white borders on print. (kinda like a borderless) To see what I am saying take the height of A4 rectangle, multiply by 50 then divide by 100 to get number 138.5. Group object, lock W and H and enter 138.5 in W then place on A5 size page. Another easy test is 120mm circle only in center of page which yields an oval.



  7. #7
    InkJack InkJack @InkJack

    Hi @mendy,

    yes, you will lose the white space outside of rectangle ...

    Did not try it by myself yet, but if you create a rectangle in document size, in this case A4.
    Placeit behind your drawing with x/y = 0/0 and then it sould work.


  8. #8
    mendy mendy @mendy

    OP didn't state if A4 page was full to edges or centered on page.
    Have found if full A4 page size with all objects selected just have to enter new A size in W and H.

    Example using A4 page to A8 page with objects not filling the page.

    A8 page H (74) multiplied by 100
    Divide total (7400) by A4 page H (297) = 24.91
    Move decimal place of result 2 places left to
    yield result .2491
    Sweep select all objects on page, determine height and multiply by result.
    Lock W H with padlock and enter this value in H.
    Just a math way

    Multiple ways suggested such as creating in desired size but seems like OP not always creating new.

    Rectangles sized to page around objects not filling page and resizing.

    @InkJet's method works well with objects filling the page. Adding rectangle and all objects works

    As always there are multiple ways of doing things.

    A Series Page Sizes (mm)

    Size       Width         Height
    4A0         1682          2378
    2A0         1189          1682
     A0          841          1189
     A1          594           841
     A2          420           594
     A3          297           420
     A4          210           297
     A5          148           210
     A6          105           148
     A7           74           105
     A8           52            74
     A9           37            52
     A10          26            37

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to resize drawing to fit a page size.