Beginners' Questions How to break a curve and go back to regular straight path using Bezier pen tool
  1. #1
    supersane ART supersane ART @supersaneart

    I tried the search function here to see if this was already answered but I couldn't find anything.

    My question is how can I break the curved path that gets auto generated after I just drew a curve.

    So this is what I'm doingΒ  Drawing 3 nodes with a problem between 2nd and 3rd node:

    1. Bezier tool selected

    2. Click on page to draw a node (Node 1)

    3. Click another point (Node 2) and drag to draw a curved line connected the first two nodes.

    4. [PROBLEM AREA] I want the THIRD node to have a straight path from the second node.

    Inkscape automatically makes the line between 2nd and 3rd nodes curvy, I don't want the line between 2nd and 3rd node to be curvy, I want it to be straight.Β  I understand I can just press ENTER and then continue where I left off by drawing a straight line, but I want it to be a seamless, continuous path.Β  Essentially, I want an abrupt break and to revert back to a straight line path instead of a continuation of a curve.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    Inkscape automatically makes the line between 2nd and 3rd nodes curvy,

    Should not happen when you just click instead of click&drag. Have you tried this?

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    I'd try either:

    • Drag the first node, click the second and third.
    • Or, use Enter to finish the first segment (curved). Note that it is still selected, and that when the Bezier pen is hovered over the endnode, the node highlights red indicating that the next segment will be appended to the first creating a continuous path. If only clicks are used, the segment will be straight.

  4. #4
    BlairSantos92 BlairSantos92 @BlairSantos92

    I had exactly the same question! Don't think any of these responses answer your question though, were you able to find a way?

  5. #5
    danielmendis danielmendis @danielmendis

    Hello, just searched for the same topic, cost me two hours :-) simple answer is: press shift + L after setting the curve node.


  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    From the manual:Β 



    Creating Paths
Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to break a curve and go back to regular straight path using Bezier pen tool