Beginners' Questions How can I control the stroke width in Inkscape?
  1. #1
    shushu shushu @shushu


    I am a newbie. Let's say I want to draw a line. I choose the freehand tool. I draw a line. I set the width of stroke style to be 8px and choose the joins.  Now I would like to continue drawing with these settings - 8px of stroke with rounded long joins. But when a draw a new line - it's 1px wide and joins are different. So I set it again to have 8px + the joins. I continue drawing and create a new line - no way -  it's 1px again! Do I need to correct it manually every single time I draw a new line?  How can I save the settings of the stroke style so when I continue drawing, all my new lines are going to be precisely 8px wide and have the chosen joins. I saw a video on youtube where a guy picked a stroke width of let's say 10px and every new line he created with the freehand tool had a width of 10px.  In my case, I set it to be 8px and every new line has a width of 1px. How can I control this? Many thanks for your help. 


  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Hi Tom.

    Once you have adjusted the tool´s settings make a double-click on it in the toolbar which leads you to its settings: enable "This tool´s own style" and hit "Take from selection" - now your values are the default settings.

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Or the opposite... it might be the default is 1px, and you prefer the last used style:

    Most tools have preferences settings, similar to these.


  4. #4
    shushu shushu @shushu

    Hey Polygon!

    Fantastic, it works now like a charm! Thanks a lot for your help and all the best for you.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How can I control the stroke width in Inkscape?