Beginners' Questions Envelope Deformation/Shapes
  1. #1
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Hi all,

    I have some text that I would like to put into the shape of a triangle (for a pennant flag). For this I have used Envelope Deformation, with which I got the following result.

    To me it looks like its got a perspective of going back into the page, as opposed to just being like, squished into a triangle shape if that makes sense. Just wondering if there's a better way to go about this? I have also attached a reference photo of what I think looks more normal and the look I would prefer. I know the flag in the reference pic was created using Illustrator.





  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Try "perspective" deformation instead.

  3. #3
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Thank you will have a look at that 

  4. #4
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Had a bit of a play around but it still looks a bit funny to me, not sure if it's just me or its still a bit off, but I can't quite get it how I like it yet. More trial and error I suppose!



  5. #5
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Not sure what you have in mind exactly, but I find it pretty straight forward:

  6. #6
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Thanks, that’s exactly what I did, just in my mind it looks nothing like how the one in the reference photo looks, but it must be just me. 

  7. #7
    David248 David248 @David248

    I think the (unwanted) perspective effect comes from the decreasing width of the letters, which is obvious on Polygon's example (I have this visual feeling).

    I tried but didn't success to get same letters width perspective LPE and enveloppe deformation gets somehow rounded letters.

    On your image of the two flags, the triangles  edges look to have different sizes, with a triangle that points a little bit upward.

    G3mkm, your last try looks fine to me.

  8. #8
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Thanks David, yeah I think the second one definitely looks better, if you look at the X in the reference pic it looks a little bent almost. Looks like I might just have to keep playing around a bit. Thanks 

  9. #9
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Sorry again to revive an older topic but now I've got a new issue that I'm sure is a simple fix but I'm not sure what I've clicked on or off. 

    Opened inkscape and went to do envelope deformation as I did before (unchecked left and right paths) but now the corners of the M are curved in a little. Its like the handle slides away from the corner but I'm not sure what's changed. As you can see from the earlier pictures in this thread it wasn't an issue before. Can anyone pinpoint what it might be? Thanks again. 

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Are you using the Extension or Path Effect? Can´t replicate this behaviour - but came across the difference between Perspective and Envelope distortion:

  11. #11
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    You need to check left and right paths and uncheck top and bottom paths.

  12. #12
    g3mkm g3mkm @g3mkm

    Poly, thanks for that, I was using the path effect as you have done there.

    Paddy thank you, this did work, however last time I know I used top and bottom paths, can you think of any reason why it is warping when I do it the other way? I never change any settings and I'm just not sure whats different. I appreciate your help though :)