Beginners' Questions Button size in toolbar reduceable/Icons hideable?
  1. #1
    Alpha_Zen Alpha_Zen @Alpha_Zen


    I'm testing the 1.0beta2 at the moment and I'm using the "widescreen view", where the "main tool bar" (new document, open file etc.) is placed at the ride side of the screen. Sadly, the bar is too long to show all icons/tools simultanely. 

    When I change the theme to win32, the buttons and icons are small enough to get shown all at once, but the theme doesn't look too well or even broken at certain points.

    Is there a way to reduce the size of the buttons without changing the icon size/reduce the margin between icon and the edges of the buttons?

    Or as an alternative, can I hide some of the icons that I'm not using anyway (e.g. Copy, Cut, Paste, Grouping)?

    If it's necessary to build a custom theme to achieve either one of those tasks, how do I do this?



  2. #2
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    Win 32  heme is broken right now (and there is nobody who is working on fixing it)
    Imho teaming, in general, should get some love from some front end developer ( with knowledge of CSS and KDE) and designer combo


    Be careful this could brake your ink
    -  you can edit icons(hide/delete) in toolbars yourself  by editing files in share\inkscape\ui
    -  you can resize buttons and margins in theme CSS files (you can find your theme file location in preferences/interface/theming )

  3. #3
    Alpha_Zen Alpha_Zen @Alpha_Zen

    -  you can edit icons(hide/delete) in toolbars yourself  by editing files in share\inkscape\ui


    Thanks, that's great! Just commenting the unwanted buttons out works perfect (and easy). :) 

  4. #4
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

     no problem you can uplad yout .ui files to your  C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\ui
    and it will  be saved for all verions of inkscape  (iw you have many versions  as i do)

  5. #5
    brynn brynn @brynn

    - you can edit icons(hide/delete) in toolbars yourself by editing files in share\inkscape\ui

    I think you must be talking about a custom template or custom default doc.  However, you should never edit program files in that directory.  Not unless you know what you're doing, and you save an original backup.  Assuming you're talking about a custom template/doc, that should always be placed in the user directory (on Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions)

    When you refer to editing icons, are you talking about making them larger or smaller?  Or are you saying that it's possible to hide certain icons?  If this is a new feature in 1.0, I haven't heard about it.  It's definitely not possible in earlier versions.

    If you're talking about hacking the inkscape code, you should say that, so beginners (or others who don't want to hack) don't get the wrong idea.

    It's not possible for anyone who doesn't know how to hack, to create a custom theme.  If you know how, go for it.

  6. #6
    Alpha_Zen Alpha_Zen @Alpha_Zen

    are you saying that it's possible to hide certain icons?

    It is by editing the toolbar-commands.ui with any text editor. Since basically it's an xml file, you can use <!-- --> to hide separators and buttons.

    For example:

    <!--<separator />
        <toolitem action='EditCopy' />
        <toolitem action='EditCut' />
        <toolitem action='EditPaste' />-->

    Yes, you said one should not edit program files like this, but it's just exactly what I need. 😁

  7. #7
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

     I think this is intended for customizations  .it's new in 1.0 but it's true be carful

  8. #8
    Alpha_Zen Alpha_Zen @Alpha_Zen

    Ah, right, totaly oversaw it while going over these notes

  9. #9
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Even though it may be new in 1.0, it still sounds like it's for people who know about coding.  It doesn't sound like most users will be able to do it, without step by step instructions.

    "very raw theming support" indeed!

  10. #10
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

     well it would be nice if had gui :D i agree

  11. #11
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Oh that is a cool feature. So it is possible now to make simpler version of Inkscape for, let's say children? Or for schools and teachers?

  12. #12
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    that's what I call creative thinking !!! :D

  13. #13
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    this is how my toolbar looks i suggested to make it in official reales but got som pushback  because of small screens 

  14. #14
    brynn brynn @brynn

    In the longer term plans for Inkscape, I've heard discussed the possibility of making different "flavors" of Inkscape.  For example, an Artist version or an Easy or Beginners version or a Cutters version or Mapping version, etc, etc.

    But I would say yes, if a teacher knows enough about programming to do the hacking, they could make a version for their class.

  15. #15
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Ohh that would open up a whole new group of Inkscape users. I might start to fiddle with it myself. Who knows?
    Because I know that children can use this program, but it would make it much easier if there were less options.
    It would be easier to learn Inkscape too.

  16. #16
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    @Kirstie   that's right like this would be easily done.   get rid of advanced features and icons to make icons bigger. you can even hide menu options. and you got Inkscape for kids

  17. #17
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Well the problem is that there are a lot more things that would need to be changed, to make different Inkscape packages, besides just the buttons on the tool bars.  You would want to remove all the functionality behind the buttons from the code, for example.  For children, or for an Easy or Beginners version, you'd probably want to remove most if not all extensions, and maybe the same for filters, probably all LPEs.

    What about menu items?  Can those be rearranged or hidden/removed?

    I don't want to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but there would be a lot more to it than just moving or removing certain buttons.  It would certainly need to be done by developers, and also with a good deal of discussion.

    As far as I understand, this functionality is meant to allow advanced users to customize their Inkscape window.  I don't think it's meant to create different user group packages.


  18. #18
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    It's designed to allow users customizations of UI so yes this would be good usecase for that.  You can also  customize ui of menus with  menus.ui. it was not made specifically for that but it could be used like that .

  19. #19
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I would consult developers before you try to release any custom configuration as a special version for a particular user group.

    Just changing the buttons and menus, in  my opinion, would be a hack.  In my opinion, the source code should be changed, not just the buttons and menus.

  20. #20
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi Brynn,
    It would be very very welcome. Either as a hack for those who cannot wait, or as an official edition.
    We have used Tuxpaint on a school as a drawing program for children.
    After Tux Paint there is a big gap... and then you have Gimp, Inkscape, Krita, which are all too difficult.

  21. #21
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

    Maybe customizations to the workspace could be made so that it is just saved to a special file like in Corel Draw?

  22. #22
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

  23. #23
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    I don't see point in deleting code and maintaining two versions of Inkscape when this approach which is designed for this use case (this is not my idea this is in the documentation)

  24. #24
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Which documentation?  I'd like to read it.

  25. #25
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

  26. #26
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I think we might not be understanding each other, somewhere.  Those release notes don't say anything about this feature being added so the individual users can create custom templates to be released to the whole community as official versions of Inkscape.  It only explains how to use the feature.

    My point is that simply changing the buttons and menus does not seem to be the best approach to producing a special version of Inkscape for a specific user group for a specific purpose, for the whole community..  I can see where an individual user could do that for their own use, such as a teacher (one teacher) in a classroom (that teacher's classroom).  But I don't think advertising that modified template as a "teacher's edition" which is released to the whole community as an official version, is a good approach.  For something to be released and advertised for a particular user group, for the whole community, it needs to be designed by developers and by changing the source code.

    That's just my opinion.  But it's based on a little bit of logic.  To me it doesn't make sense, for example, to hide the LPEs, but still keep all the LPE code in the program.  Or hide a bunch of extensions, but they're still in the program, dragging worthless weight.

    If you want to make a custom template for someone else, I have no problem with that.  But advertising it as an official version of Inkscape - I'm not sure if that would be appropriate.

    Again, just my opinion.

    This is somewhat off topic, but still in the ballpark.  Those release notes say


    The interface colors and some more UI styles can be customized in <preferences folder>/ui/style.css (very raw themeing support).

    I looked up that file, to see if I might be able to edit it.  But it's empty.  Does that mean we would have to write the code ourselves?

  27. #27
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    OK this is last time I am talking about this after this we can agree on disagreeing
    NO  this is no official way to make a version of ink for education. but if you want to contribute and make this verion you can and tahan it can be official.
     second, why not keep all code there and just hide it Inkscape is pretty small program. It does not make sense to delet features and maintain  2-3-6 versions of code when you can just simply hide  it and end-user will not know the difference. right now there is lots of functionality in Inkscape wit does not have GUI  and you don't know about it and you don't mind that it will be the same situation.
    It makes sense to keep deth with so we don't need to maintain   5 versions of Inkscape ( kids, education, full,  for geometry class, etc) in future this can be just simple preset you can switch on  in preferences

    you can add code to style.css witch will over writhe them settings obivsly you need to know css an kde 

  28. #28
    zuitlander zuitlander @zuitlander

    Is there anyway to make bring the toolbar drag'n'drop redimensioning back?
    It looks really weird that this old feature has vanished, maybe it's just hidden somewhere, this is incredibly useful.

    Sometimes when I open object properties and layers at the same time, they take half of my screen due to their width and yet I can't see things because their height is just too small, sometimes I can see only one layer in within the space and the scroll bar is just tiny dot.

  29. #29
    Adam Belis Adam Belis @AdamBelis

    You should be able drag and drop re arrange and resize in 1.0 same as in 0.92

  30. #30
    zuitlander zuitlander @zuitlander

    Thanks Adam.

    I don know what was wrong. I simply couldn't copy and paste nor resize those panels. After closing and opening it again, everything started working. I believe I should update from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, maybe it helps with the gnome problems.

  31. #31
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Revisiting this in relation to a recent forum query:

    Is there a way to rearrange/hide tool controls?



Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Button size in toolbar reduceable/Icons hideable?