1. #1
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Hi Friends,

    The short version of the forum rules is this:

    • Please be polite.
    • Please have patience.  (Sometimes it takes a few exchanges before the question is clearly understood, especially when someone is not a native English speaker.)
    • As part of the Inkscape project overall, this forum subscribes to the official Code of Conduct for both the behavior of members and complaint procedures.

    The long version is the Inkscape Forum Rules and Guidelines document, which gives details and explains how team positions are filled.

    If anyone has questions or comments, you are welcome to post them.

    The general history of Inkscape forums is that they are self-governing.  If there is desire and concensus among forum members about something, rules can be changed, removed, or added.  The only limitation being if the Inkscape Board of Developers disapproves of a change.