I’m trying to develop an extension for Inkscape that creates responsive grids, similar to what can be done in FIGMA. I’m not a developer—just a designer looking to create a feature that could be useful for other designers. So far, I’ve used ChatGPT to achieve the current results. The extension works, but it needs a few adjustments:
Whenever I change a parameter with the preview enabled, a dialog box pops up, requiring me to confirm the action to update the preview. This is quite inconvenient.
For some reason, if I choose any page format other than A4, making changes to the parameters (with the preview enabled) reverts my page back to the A4 format.
I’d like to add a parameter to allow users to choose the grid’s color and opacity.
No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to solve these issues. Could someone please help me?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
Inkscape's responsive grid extension. Creates a grid of red rectangles
with specified columns, column width, and gutter, adjusted to the active page size.
import inkex
from lxml import etree
class ResponsiveGrid(inkex.GenerateExtension):
Responsive Grid extension for Inkscape
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument("--columns", type=int, default=12, help="Number of columns")
pars.add_argument("--column_width", type=float, default=50, help="Width of each column (px)")
pars.add_argument("--gutter", type=float, default=20, help="Gutter width (px)")
def generate(self):
# Get dimensions of the active page
svg_root = self.document.getroot()
canvas_width = float(svg_root.get("width", "0").replace("mm", "").replace("px", ""))
canvas_height = float(svg_root.get("height", "0").replace("mm", "").replace("px", ""))
# Get user parameters
columns = self.options.columns
column_width = self.options.column_width
gutter = self.options.gutter
# Validate parameters
if columns < 1 or column_width <= 0 or gutter < 0:
return # Exit without generating anything if parameters are invalid
# Calculate total width occupied by columns and gutters
total_width = (column_width * columns) + (gutter * (columns - 1))
margin = (canvas_width - total_width) / 2
# Register namespaces explicitly
namespaces = {**svg_root.nsmap, 'inkscape': inkex.NSS['inkscape']}
# Remove existing grid group (if any)
existing_grid = svg_root.find(".//svg:g[@inkscape:label='Responsive Grid']", namespaces)
if existing_grid is not None:
# Create a group for the columns
grid_group = etree.Element(inkex.addNS("g", "svg"))
grid_group.set(inkex.addNS("label", "inkscape"), "Responsive Grid")
grid_group.set(inkex.addNS("groupmode", "inkscape"), "layer")
grid_group.set(inkex.addNS("locked", "inkscape"), "true")
# Draw the columns
x = margin
for _ in range(columns):
column = etree.Element(inkex.addNS("rect", "svg"))
column.set("x", str(x))
column.set("y", "0")
column.set("width", str(column_width))
column.set("height", str(canvas_height))
column.set("style", "fill:red;fill-opacity:0.1;stroke:none")
x += column_width + gutter
# Add the group to the SVG document
if __name__ == "__main__":
Wow, it worked, and the confirmation window no longer appears! Thank you so much for your help!!! However, there’s still an issue that might be related to Inkscape itself and not the extension: if I start Inkscape and select the "iPhone 5" screen format, for example, when I run the extension and adjust the parameters with the preview enabled, my page changes to A4 format. Do you have any idea what might be causing this?
Hello everyone,
I’m trying to develop an extension for Inkscape that creates responsive grids, similar to what can be done in FIGMA. I’m not a developer—just a designer looking to create a feature that could be useful for other designers. So far, I’ve used ChatGPT to achieve the current results. The extension works, but it needs a few adjustments:
No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to solve these issues. Could someone please help me?
You don't need to deal with namespaces, that's from a long time ago < Inkscape 1.0
Have a go with this, should work.
Wow, it worked, and the confirmation window no longer appears! Thank you so much for your help!!! However, there’s still an issue that might be related to Inkscape itself and not the extension: if I start Inkscape and select the "iPhone 5" screen format, for example, when I run the extension and adjust the parameters with the preview enabled, my page changes to A4 format. Do you have any idea what might be causing this?
Yes I suspect you are directly altering the page size in error, possibly inserting invalid values or text?
I would expect the A4 is a fallback when the svg has somehow been corrupted in the extension system.
I forgot to mention, I changed to an effect extension instead of the generator extension you are using.
Apart from saving / opening almost all extensions are effect extensions. Generator extensions are a special case which isn't widely used.