Creating New Extensions IUID Data Matrix extension
  1. #1
    Nvr2fast Nvr2fast @Nvr2fast

    Hello all. So I see Inkscape had an included UID feature, but that was not working with a Data Matrix scanner. Someone on this forum was nice enough to create the extension for me, and it has been working fabulous. That said, now what would be beyond words beneficial and helpful would be a way to EDIT a Data Matrix UID made with control codes. I will attach the extension that was created for me. I would love to hear from anyone, is this possible? OR am I asking the impossible? Thank you all so much in advance for your support.

    Ascii Control Codes
  2. #2
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️


    It was I who made the modification to the core Inkscape extension:

    If you want to go backwards from the QR code to the original text with control codes as part of an extension then you would need to write some extra code. 

    I don't think it would be 100% straightforwards. 

    However the usual workflow for this kind of thing, is to first check if Python modules for what you want to do already exist.

    It turns out that there appears to be:  

    However it does require installing a few other libraries, it would not be as simple as just dropping a new extension into the Inkscape extension folder.

    However - I noticed that ShareX which is an open source screen capture+ application is available on the Windows store and for Linux.

    Under the ShareX Tools menu, it has a QR reader. It works well for normal QR codes on screen, not sure about the control codes.