Creating New Extensions Inkscape Python Tutorials
  1. #1
    8Observer8 8Observer8 @8Observer8


    I tried to start here: But this link PythonEffectTutorial is broken. Please, advise some tutorials.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Moved by moderator.

  3. #3
    Ellen Wasbø Ellen Wasbø @EllenWasbo

    That page is not all finished or updated, yet.

    I was going to copy my links from another thread, but somehow I must have deleted that post. I'll try again. These links have been helpful to me:

    The GUI reference

    Getting started

    The docs:

    And most of all - looking at the code for existing extensions as examples - selecting those that do something similar to what I want to do.