Drawing Challenges, Contests, Competitions Contest - How to show License
  1. #1
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩⚖

    I'm trying to figure out how to show the CC BY SA license in the metadata tab for the Inkscape 1.0 contest (for my submission).  I'm on the Creative Commons site, not even sure that is right - if it is, I'm in the getting started process, trying to figure out what to choose, or what to copy to place in the metadata tab on my svg.  Or, do I just type CC BY SA. A visual would really help me here - need to see which logo or a link or something for dummies, a bit lost here, thanks in advance.


    Cc By Sa Ques
  2. #2
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹⚖🧀

    You can specify it in the svg metadata (document properties, metadata) but also specify it when you upload AS WELL as specify it on the canvas. I use a shield varient for my on-canvas licenses.

  3. #3
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩⚖

    Ok thx much. Wasnt sure if we had to download and attach a document.  PS it would be good if someone clarified that in the rules, also to mention that the metadata tab is in the doc properties.  Idiot me spent 45 minutes looking for  it!  

  4. #4
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniâš–

    Updated. It's in the 'license' tab. You can select the correct license there among a couple others (CC-Attribution-Share alike)

  5. #5
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩⚖

    thx Maren