Beyond the Basics Preferences Typeset Font & Size In Interface
  1. #1
    peterconverse peterconverse @peterconverse


    I just started using Inkscape 1.0.2 on an iMac. With the computer's default resolution, I can hardly read the text on any of the console windows. The size of the text on the ruler function is also tiny and difficult to read. This has always been the case. 

    Even with my magnifier glasses it's hard to make out the text. Part of the problem is the font style. Is it possible that it's defaulting to one of my own fonts? Is there any fix, plug-in or extention to make the text larger?? 

    I don't know how this isn't a problem for others. Could the interface tool not have loaded during the install? 

    Help with this issue is much appreciated.

    Thank you! 


    Inkscape Preferences Window
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    You´re on a Retina iMac? Whatever is causing this but this don´t seem a standard font running Inkscape. Hopefully you didn´t mess around with System fonts. Since my Macs died I switched to M1MacMini and 32"UHD monitor - what seems a good idea turns into some issue regarding resolution and my eyesight - I have to scale it down and every screenshot has to be scaled as well.

    We are now on Inkscape 1.1 BTW and that´s how it looks on BigSur11.4:

  3. #3
    peterconverse peterconverse @peterconverse

    Thank you for responding. Yes, I'm on an iMac Retina 5k, also BigSur 11.4.  

    I just downloaded 1.1 (1.1rc1) and still facing the same problem.

    As far as I know I have not messed with the system fonts. However, I have added custom fonts to the system font folder. If that is the issue, I'd suspect there's a way to revert to the system default. This presented no problems on my old MacBook Pro. 

    I'm going to try to find that same font in the Font Folder and delete it. Or, is this not advised? 


  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Didn´t you use Apple´s Font to manage fonts? I´d deinstall Inkscape complete with (to get rid of any pref files) and reinstall and just use one version on your system. BigSur isn´t as forgiving as HighSierra once was when I have 3 versions installed as a minimum (latest, latest beta, first native version from 2015).

  5. #5
    peterconverse peterconverse @peterconverse

    I transferred all data from my macbook pro. The folders were all identical, but from what you're telling me, there's a compatibility issue with Retina. I have not had a chance to follow your suggestions yet, but I'm confident it will work. However, how do I completely uninstall inkscape? I've uninstalled it twice, but I don't believe it all files were trashed because once installed again. Some of the preferences and templates remained when reinstalled. I even went to the Library>Preferences to look for inkscape files to delete.  

  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I rely on as I wrote and of to manage fonts. There's nothing wrong with Retina iMacs - just mentioned it because of the screenshot sizes. Since I'm on an UHD  display I have to scale down every screenshot before posting as the sheer size explodes on most sites - though the display resolution is scaled. ;-)

  7. #7
    peterconverse peterconverse @peterconverse

    Hi Polygone, 

    I need to thank you for your help!! I've tried a bunch of different fixes and your AppCleaner idea was very helpful. This issue was with my personal fonts. One problem might have been that instead of installing them on the HD Library, I had installed them in the User Library. 

    What seems to have been my solution was to re-install Inkscape first, open the program and save a default template (not sure if the latter made a difference, but), THEN install my 508 personal fonts into the HD Library. I haven't restarted my computer yet, but so far this seems to have worked!! 

    My current problem is that when I try to select and individual node, and try to move it, two or three (or more) surrounding nodes automatically become selected and move with the single or multiple one I've selected.  I've included a screenshot: I have only selected one of these node (circled in red), but as you can see, two have been selected. I've tried to find a setting to change in the Tools Preferences console, without luck. Any idea why this is occuring? It's been happening before and after several re-installs.

    I'll be starting another topic on this in the next day or two. It's really frustrating and deems the program almost worthless for what I use it for. 



    Screen Shot 2021 09 12 At 12.49.29 Am
  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I've included a screenshot: I have only selected one of these node (circled in red), but as you can see, two have been selected. I've tried to find a setting to change in the Tools Preferences console, without luck.

    That looks strange because there´re nodes closer than the one that gets add-selected - did you accidentally "scroll-wheel" a tiny bit? I ask because it lets you increase node selection range.

  9. #9
    peterconverse peterconverse @peterconverse

    Yes. Sometimes it will select the ones closer too (sometimes four or five nodes or more. This usually happens when I actually begin to drag the node(s) I've selected.  As for "node selection range," that is precisely the setting I'm looking for. I don't have a scroll wheel on my mouse as I'm using a magic mouse (Mac mouse type). Maybe I can borrow a PC mouse with a scroll wheel. I think the scroll wheel will work on a Mac. 

    I have not yet posted this on the forum ... I've been a bit too busy.

    Thanks again.   

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I´m on Mac since 1987. 3button scrollwheel mouse is a thing I can´t live without in 2d+3d - cheap and effective no matter what gimmicks+gadgets have been invented since then. ;-)

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Preferences Typeset Font & Size In Interface