Beyond the Basics no permission to open file
  1. #1
    garnaldi garnaldi @garnaldi

    Hello!  Toying with patterns, I was able to add a small one  (a tiny  circle)  to Fil & Stroke.  The attempt worked for the moment.  After an Inkscape restart the pattern had disappeared.  I learned that I did not have permission to open the file.  Checking my credentials confirmed my standing as an administrator.  I subsequently did an ownership of files and folders (full control system and administrator).  Still I received the message warning me that I did not have permission to open the file.  This is perplexing!  What then would be the means to open this patterns.svg file?  As you can understand from the words above, I would like to add a custom pattern to Inkscape's  stock id  patterns.

  2. #2
    garnaldi garnaldi @garnaldi

    The solution to my little problem was simple as I authorized myself as a user; that was it, and I was able to manipulate the patterns.svg file.  But now I have an annoying problem:  my patterns again... In v. 0.92.4 I lost all patterns and found no way to retrieve them through preferences.  I did an uninstall and downloaded v. 0.92.5.  After a day of successful use, I lost all  system patterns again except one called sand and I don't know what move caused it.  So I  am asking, where do I find a way to retrieve/recover that file.