Using latest Inkscape 1.1.1 in Linux. Any hint, how to insert CMYK values from these palette for selected text or also for figures? When insert one value, others are moving away automatically. Impossible to set manually CMYK values. Very rare cases there is possible to insert exact values with CMYK. I can insert RGB values without issues, but not CMYK ones. Another issue is, that when inserting HEX value, the RGB are different than on that palette, same applies to CMYK values. what could be the reason? Is the palette wrong? Or does Inkscape require something more to comply with these values? I guess certain Pantone CMYK profile (*.icc) probably but they seem not to offer any for free. I have in my system /usr/share/color/icc/colord/ folder containing *.icc files and can add there new ones, which will be taken into use immediately. Certainly, white and black works, but not other colors.
The way I have found to get better behavior from the sliders and hex entry is to set a profile in the Document Properties color management and use the CMS tab in the fill/stroke dialog.
There is a bug in the CMS though... one needs to close the Fill/Stroke dialog and re-open to see the CMS sliders appear.
OK, I see. Tried to use Scribus and there at least I can define CMYK properly. Although there is own issue. Anyway, I see also from your picture, that the HEX value is something else, than on that style book picture. Tried CMYK-profile PSOuncoated_v3_FOGRA52.icc from here as Inkscape has only RGB color profiles bundled. I got defined CMYK in Inkscape, but as different color profile, then also different values in RGB and HEX. Also color itself is a bit different. I asked also directly from Pantone, whether they have a color profile file (*.icc) to share with me. Their message was, that I need to pay for Pantone Connect Premium. Even there is 30-day trial free period, I could not see, where or how can I download any *.icc file from them. However, I could select colors, only last one (white) I had to pick random one as I don't have proper name. As you can see below, these color model values in RGB and HEX are different than initial image from style book. I know, that the style book has wrong color codes, some people claim even wrong Pantone color codes. However, Pantone asks to pay premium account ($7.99/month or if to take whole year, then $2.99/month, $35.99/year) in order to see CMYK values (!). I could download only *.ase, which claims to be sRGB and *.png as image of colors, which I added below. Looks like dead end - Pantone is reluctant to share proper *.icc CMYK profile file and with free account I could not download it.
These should be match as that image I made directly from Pantone web and that's NOT the question. Problem is initial style book, where codes don't match with color.
Here is the question, which color profile (*.icc) file did you use in Inkscape?
If you didn't choose any color profile, which one is still used by default in Inkscape? Is it also freely downloadable separately of Inkscape? Or are you trying to say, that there is irrelevant to use certain color profile and these HEX, RGB codes work with any color profile properly?
Yes, via HEX-codes I got same result without selecting any color profile. Also RGB codes match. Don't know, whether shown CMYK codes can be trusted. Compared with Scribus 1.5.7 color wheel and when RGB was set, CMYK in Scribus is quite different than Inkscape CMYK values on same RGB/HEX. Sounds like CMYK although need a precise color profile, otherwise they won't match.
Sounds like we can just watch CMYK values, but not really change these values in Inkscape. Although in Scribus we can change easily also CMYK values and there are colors mainly defined via CMYK. Although RGB, HEX is enough for now and can define already these colors as Inkscape does not handle properly CMYK anyway without proper color profile, which I don't have. Looks like Inkscape is using LittleCMS -
Conclusion: I use RGB, HEX color codes directly from Pantone and abandon values from styles book, which are not correct. Also discovered, that Inkscape 1.1.1, GIMP 2.10.28 show same values for RGB, HEX, CMYK, but Scribus 1.5.7 shows different ones. I mainly use Inkscape, so at least I can use these values. No exact explanation, but most probable: missing CMYK color profile would help out. As Pantone is reluctant to share appropriate CMYK color profile, then we cannot get same color numerical values in different program.
Some weird behaviour by Inkscape: when entering C0 M100 Y52 K35, then it shows HEX a60050ff. But when to enter a50050ff, then still CMYK and RGBA values do not change. It is very little change, might not have effect. Although would expect HEX value correct initially.
Using latest Inkscape 1.1.1 in Linux. Any hint, how to insert CMYK values from these palette for selected text or also for figures? When insert one value, others are moving away automatically. Impossible to set manually CMYK values. Very rare cases there is possible to insert exact values with CMYK. I can insert RGB values without issues, but not CMYK ones. Another issue is, that when inserting HEX value, the RGB are different than on that palette, same applies to CMYK values. what could be the reason? Is the palette wrong? Or does Inkscape require something more to comply with these values? I guess certain Pantone CMYK profile (*.icc) probably but they seem not to offer any for free. I have in my system /usr/share/color/icc/colord/ folder containing *.icc files and can add there new ones, which will be taken into use immediately. Certainly, white and black works, but not other colors.
Color controls and CMYK in particular a bit of a hot mess right now.
The way I have found to get better behavior from the sliders and hex entry is to set a profile in the Document Properties color management and use the CMS tab in the fill/stroke dialog.
There is a bug in the CMS though... one needs to close the Fill/Stroke dialog and re-open to see the CMS sliders appear.
OK, I see. Tried to use Scribus and there at least I can define CMYK properly. Although there is own issue. Anyway, I see also from your picture, that the HEX value is something else, than on that style book picture. Tried CMYK-profile PSOuncoated_v3_FOGRA52.icc from here as Inkscape has only RGB color profiles bundled. I got defined CMYK in Inkscape, but as different color profile, then also different values in RGB and HEX. Also color itself is a bit different. I asked also directly from Pantone, whether they have a color profile file (*.icc) to share with me. Their message was, that I need to pay for Pantone Connect Premium. Even there is 30-day trial free period, I could not see, where or how can I download any *.icc file from them. However, I could select colors, only last one (white) I had to pick random one as I don't have proper name. As you can see below, these color model values in RGB and HEX are different than initial image from style book. I know, that the style book has wrong color codes, some people claim even wrong Pantone color codes. However, Pantone asks to pay premium account ($7.99/month or if to take whole year, then $2.99/month, $35.99/year) in order to see CMYK values (!). I could download only *.ase, which claims to be sRGB and *.png as image of colors, which I added below. Looks like dead end - Pantone is reluctant to share proper *.icc CMYK profile file and with free account I could not download it.
The hex values look ok here. I'll share the svg and a zip of my profiles.
These should be match as that image I made directly from Pantone web and that's NOT the question. Problem is initial style book, where codes don't match with color.
Here is the question, which color profile (*.icc) file did you use in Inkscape?
If you didn't choose any color profile, which one is still used by default in Inkscape? Is it also freely downloadable separately of Inkscape? Or are you trying to say, that there is irrelevant to use certain color profile and these HEX, RGB codes work with any color profile properly?
The hex codes seem to work without installing a profile or using CMS.
AFAIK, Inkscape uses RGB.
Yes, via HEX-codes I got same result without selecting any color profile. Also RGB codes match. Don't know, whether shown CMYK codes can be trusted. Compared with Scribus 1.5.7 color wheel and when RGB was set, CMYK in Scribus is quite different than Inkscape CMYK values on same RGB/HEX. Sounds like CMYK although need a precise color profile, otherwise they won't match.
Sounds like we can just watch CMYK values, but not really change these values in Inkscape. Although in Scribus we can change easily also CMYK values and there are colors mainly defined via CMYK. Although RGB, HEX is enough for now and can define already these colors as Inkscape does not handle properly CMYK anyway without proper color profile, which I don't have. Looks like Inkscape is using LittleCMS -
Conclusion: I use RGB, HEX color codes directly from Pantone and abandon values from styles book, which are not correct. Also discovered, that Inkscape 1.1.1, GIMP 2.10.28 show same values for RGB, HEX, CMYK, but Scribus 1.5.7 shows different ones. I mainly use Inkscape, so at least I can use these values. No exact explanation, but most probable: missing CMYK color profile would help out. As Pantone is reluctant to share appropriate CMYK color profile, then we cannot get same color numerical values in different program.
Some weird behaviour by Inkscape: when entering C0 M100 Y52 K35, then it shows HEX a60050ff. But when to enter a50050ff, then still CMYK and RGBA values do not change. It is very little change, might not have effect. Although would expect HEX value correct initially.
This discussion really helpful for me and solve my query also. Thanks alot inkscape. 😊