Beyond the Basics "Fill between strokes" tutorial?
  1. #1
    K K @fugueink

    Hello, all!


    I'm having a hard time figuring out the "Fill between Strokes" LPE. Nothing I do seems to result in the promised effect.


    The only such tutorials I could find were for something called "Ponyscape," the first instruction being type Ctrl-Alt-F (which does nothing in Inkscape for Mac).


    It looks like a tutorial for Fill between Many might work just as well. The difficult part for me is adding the second path in: if I select both paths, the Path Effects dialog says I can have only one, and if I select only one, I can't figure out how to add the second path to get the desired effect. I sometimes get other effects (e.g., the first path attached to the open nodes of the second).


    The two strokes are originally in different directions, and I've tried it both with the two paths going in opposite directions and the two paths going in the same direction.



  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Just the description of fill between many and fill between strokes, here: .

  3. #3
    K K @fugueink

    Yeah, I saw that before I posted.


    Maybe it's me, but I felt it was lacking as documentation. I  tried this:

    • The other paths, which are part of the drawing, can then be added to it by copy-pasting in the LPE dialog.

    But in no way could I get that second path added that gave the desired effect. On the rare occasions it was added at all, no amount of flipping parameters that I could find would do the trick.


    A little less elliptical explanation is needed.


    Thanks, anyway.

  4. #4
    Marco Riva Marco Riva @zerocinquanta

    This LPE adds a fill to multiple independent paths, connecting their ends with straight lines if the proper option is selected, ok.

    The effect must be applied to the path that will provide its filling to the operation. Then the paths we want to fill in the spaces are copied to the clipboard. With the appropriate button (a little lockpad) we insert the contents of the clipboard in the window, which allows us to change the order, visibility and direction.

    I've experimented it a little, and honestly it's useless to me.

  5. #5
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Yes, Marco, I agree. Not useful.

  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I imagine this feature could be helpful to those working in some types of toon art.  


    Girl on the beach
  7. #7
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Very nice work, Tyler.

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Feel free to compliment the artist, Ganesha Adiguna:

  9. #9
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Of course. Your artwork, Ganesha, is beauriful. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. #10
    K K @fugueink

    Folks, I meant the documentation wasn't useful, not the LPE. If it worked, that is.


    I'm vectorizing a picture from a nineteenth-century source. There is a top line and a bottom line and a fill between them, but no lines on either side. It looks exactly like the icon for Fill between Strokes.


    I get the top line with a straight line connecting its endpoints.


    I get the bottom line with a straight line connecting its endpoints.


    When I took off "Join subpaths" and "Close", I got the bottom line all by itself!


    In all cases I was adding the effect to only one of the lines and copying the bottom line and choosing "Link to path in clipboard" next to "Second path." (If I tried anything else with the "Linked path" and "Second path" buttons, nothing happened.)


    I've attached the pertinent part of my drawing, in case someone can do it and tell me (with some details, please) how they did it.

    Stripped For Forums
  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    As per Marco's description, seems to work. It requires a path object to provide the fill data, while the existing paths define the boundary data.

    When the mouse moves up the the commands-bar, I'm clicking COPY.  


  12. #12
    K K @fugueink



    I shall definitely have to name my next dog Tyler. (I don't have human kids, I have dog ones.) I would never have gotten past the first step of this project (or many of the subsequent ones) without you.


    Strangely, your first color was in fact about right: the drawing is part of a blade of algae.


    Clearly I didn't understand the "container" reference correctly.


    But now there's a great tutorial for folks with your GIF! Thanks yet again, Tyler!

  13. #13
    K K @fugueink

    Oops. I spoke too soon.


    After filling, the drawing has a line closing it on the left, but not on the right.


    I'm making a recording of what I did; I'll edit this post when I've got it.

  14. #14
    K K @fugueink

    Never mind. I didn't have stroke paint set to none for the new object.


    Feh. I wish I was as observant as I was in my twenties. . . .


    Thanks and apologies, everyone!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics "Fill between strokes" tutorial?