Egg Pack 2017

LazurEgg Pack 2017


Some Easter egg colouring filters in a set. Rendering is a bit heavy.

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Chromatic Aberration Filters

Fabien FellayChromatic Aberration Filters

Fabien Fellay

This empty SVG file contains 2 filters for simulating a basic chromatic aberration effect. To use those filters, download the empty file 'chromatic_aberration_filters.svg' and put it in your Inkscape filters folder (for example, on Windows: 'C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\filters\'). Then, the new filters will be available from the menu: Filters > Optical Defect. See demos here: <> <> <> The additive chromatic aberration filter decomposes the source graphic into its 3 RGB layers slightly horizontally offset. The alpha channel value of the source is preserved in each layer. Then, the layers are mixed using additive blending (screen blend mode). This filter is best suitable when applied to a light object on a dark background. Similarly, the subtractive chromatic aberration filter decomposes the source graphic into its CMY layers and then mixes them using subtractive blending (multiply blend mode). This filter is best suitable when applied to a dark object on a light background. Both filters are actually equivalent when applied to a whole graphic including background (as long as the very edge of both sides of the filtered graphic is ignored). The horizontal offset values of the decomposition layers have been set to -1 (red/cyan), 0 (green/magenta) and 1 (blue/yellow) user units. By using the Inkscape filter editor, you are free to adapt them to your need (and even add arbitrary vertical shift) once the chromatic aberration filters have been applied to an object. The created SVG drawings featuring these filters will render correctly in all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc). Similar filters are also natively available from the menu: Filters > Color > Nudge CMY/RGB... V1.0 (26.01.2018): First release Copyright (C) 2018 by Fabien Fellay The script is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). <> <>

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