Beginners' Questions How to create the gold effect in a square plate?.
  1. #1
    Chris Steinbeck Bell Chris Steinbeck Bell @Chemist116

    Howdy!. I'm trying to recreate the gold effect as seen in this video:

    however when I tried to do so, I couldn't match the gradient to make it look like the letters. Does it exist a better way to achieve this effect?.

    I'm still learning about the use of gradients, and it seems that I cannot use two different gradients in one object but instead I had to duplicate the object so that one gradient has a transparency and will look like there's a blend between both. But I don't know how to achieve the right light and shadow sources to make the goldy effect.

    The only thing which I was able to find was this hex color:

    Golden yellow    #FFDF00
    Metallic gold    #D4AF37
    Old gold    #CFB53B
    Vegas gold    #C5B358

    But I don't know if this would be of much help into creating that effect. Can someone help me with this?. The effect which I'm trying to aim is that the plate is standing vertically and the mirror effect happens diagonally from the left to the right. But again I don't know if that is accurate since I don't know if light will have that behavior. Can someone help me with this?.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Maybe this?


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to create the gold effect in a square plate?.