Beginners' Questions How to crate pdf file with many pages?
  1. #1
    Mani108 Mani108 @Mani108

    Hi friends! How to crate in inkscape pdf file with multiple pages? Is it doable?

  2. #2
    Nathan P. Johansen Nathan P. Johansen @NPJ2000βš–

    You would need to compose each page as an individual file, and then assemble them together outside of Inkscape into a multi-page PDF file. QPDF is a free command-line program that can do this for you.

  3. #3
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur



    Not sure if a similar feature was developed, so sharing a possible alternative. 

    (The svg format wasn't made with any intention to create multipage documents as far as I know either.)

    Save every intended page into a separate pdf and use third party softwares, like pdf split and merge - pdfsam basic to merge those together into one multipage pdf. 

  4. #4
    brynn brynn @brynn

    There are, I think, 3 extension for giving Inkscape multiple page support.  They all use PDF to do it.  Here are links to them (I can't say whether any of them are in working order, but I think they are).  They all seem to work a little bit differently, so it's worth looking at all, and choosing the one you like the best.

  5. #5
    Uncle Spook Uncle Spook @spook

    I wrote a tool that automates the creation of a multi-page PDF from an Inkscape document/drawing.  I call it `ink2pdf`, get it here:

    It uses the "pages as layers" trick where you put each page on it's own layer and automates the export-and-merge operations.  It allows background pages, custom layer mappings, and conditional tags too.  Hope it helps!

  6. #6
    gedvan gedvan @gedvan

    @spook Thank you! It worked well.

    On Ubuntu, I had to install the packages: libxml-perl libxml-libxml-perl libxml-xpath-perl

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to crate pdf file with many pages?