Beginners' Questions File -> Export -> Filename -> Double click does nothing
  1. #1
    James Bowery James Bowery @jabowery

    When I double click on the "Filename" field to export (regardless of the format of export) nothing happens.  So, of course, when I click on "Export" it says "You have to enter a filename (Close)".

    Inkscape 1.3.1 (9b9bdc1480, 2023-11-25, custom)

        GLib version:     2.72.4
        GTK version:      3.24.33
        glibmm version:   2.66.2
        gtkmm version:    3.24.5
        libxml2 version:  2.9.13
        libxslt version:  1.1.34
        Cairo version:    1.16.0
        Pango version:    1.50.6
        HarfBuzz version: 2.7.4

        OS version:       Ubuntu Core 22

  2. #2
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    James Bowery: The filename field is for text entry. Single click then type your filename. Or try single click on the adjacent folder icon.

  3. #3
    James Bowery James Bowery @jabowery

    Single click and type was the FIRST thing I tried before I searched the web and found a video that said to double click.  


    Neither works.  There is no way to enter a file name.

  4. #4
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    James Bowery: Sorry, I can't reproduce the problem.

    For the sake of clarity, let me check that we're talking about the same thing. In this screenshot I opened the Export dialog with [File > Export...] or [ctrl+shift+e]. I highlighted the filename field and the folder picker icon. Are you doing the same?


  5. #5
    James Bowery James Bowery @jabowery

    Yes that is the dialogue that doesn't work on my system.  The "Filename" field will not permit me to enter anything.

  6. #6
    Simon-On-Ubuntu Simon-On-Ubuntu @Simon-On-Ubuntu

    I am having exact same problem.

    "Filename" field does nothing

    on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

    Inkscape 1.3.1 (9b9bdc1480, 2023-11-25, custom)



  7. #7
    Simon-On-Ubuntu Simon-On-Ubuntu @Simon-On-Ubuntu

    Paddy_CAD:  What OS are you on?

    Response to your Post:

    "James Bowery: Sorry, I can't reproduce the problem.

    For the sake of clarity, let me check that we're talking about the same thing. In this screenshot I opened the Export dialog with [File > Export...] or [ctrl+shift+e]. I highlighted the filename field and the folder picker icon. Are you doing the same?"



  8. #8
    Simon-On-Ubuntu Simon-On-Ubuntu @Simon-On-Ubuntu

    So I am new to this forum/community.  What happens next?



  9. #9
    Simon-On-Ubuntu Simon-On-Ubuntu @Simon-On-Ubuntu

    Update:  I have played around a bit and it looks as if I can not Export to ANY format.  I am new to this App. but to me this looks like a clear bug.  Is there anyone here with more experience willing to confirm the problem and, if they agree, report it as a bug?

    I picked up this program b/c I needed to go from SVG -> PNG and if I can not do that then there is not much point in it.



  10. #10
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Please uninstall v. 1.3.1, then install Inkscape version 1.3.2.

    After installing 1.3.2, rest the preferences:

  11. #11
    Simon-On-Ubuntu Simon-On-Ubuntu @Simon-On-Ubuntu

    Thanks that worked.

    I used instructions for the command line install from:

    I have a couple of minor points:

    The command line installed 1.3.2, (as you had suggested), however, the inkscape release page refers to it as version 1.4.  I am not sure if that means anything.

    It looks as if Ubuntu has not updated their software package list.  To me it looks as if they are still installing Inkscape 1.3.1.  (Which is what I got.)  I missed it before but there are a number of comments (as early as from October?) about Inkscape not exporting work in the Ubuntu comments section.

    Thanks again


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions File -> Export -> Filename -> Double click does nothing