Beginners' Questions Extension Installations - Not Able To Paste Into Text Bar
  1. #1
    michaelchudzik michaelchudzik @michaelchudzik

    I am following the directions for downloading a extension, but I am not able to paste into the text bar that I am instructed to download it to.
    Here is the page for the extension that I want to download and the page I found it: 

    Where it states for Installation:

    Copy the files and realscale.inx into the directory indicated in Edit -> Preferences -> System: User extensions

    When I open the Edit>Preferences etc. I find a text bar that when I try to paste the files the "Paste" is greyed out to prevent me from using the paste function

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    The Preferences dialog simply indicates the directory on your machine where you need to manually paste the files.

  3. #3
    michaelchudzik michaelchudzik @michaelchudzik

    Thanks, Tyler. 
    I am not interpreting clearly what you mean. By 
    "your machine" I should look in the File Manager?  I keep reading in the directions that in Inkscape, I should open the Inkscape App,
    then follow Edit > Preferences > System: User extensions. There paste the files I was given and told to paste somewhere. 
    Can you clarify what you mean by "your machine", please?


  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Describe your OS & version, the version of Inkscape and the installer you used.

  5. #5
    michaelchudzik michaelchudzik @michaelchudzik

    Windows 10 x64
    Inkscape 0.91

    Installed via Windows File Manager (?)

  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–


    So the location indicated in the Preferences dialog will be something like:  C:/Users/[your username]/AppData/Roaming/Inkscape/Extensions.

    Use windows file manager/explorer to paste the two files (*.py and *.inx) into that location.



Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Extension Installations - Not Able To Paste Into Text Bar