Beginners' Questions Exporting svg with linked/embedded images to pdf without rasterising
  1. #1
    manulera manulera @manulera

    I am making a figure for a scientific paper and I have a "main"Β svg file for the figure, in which i have linked several "secondary" svgs that contain the different plots of the figure. If I open the "main" svg in a browser, the "secondary" ones appear as vector graphics (I can zoom and the quality is always good). With google chrome, I can export the "main" svg to pdf, and it is also exported as vector graphics.
    I would like to export the "main" svg to pdf with inkscape. However, when I export it to pdf, all the "secondary" svgs are rasterised, but text from the "main" svg is exported as vector graphics.

    Is there a known way to export linked/embedded images to pdf without rasterising?


  2. #2
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    If you have chrome in your path, then this does convert to from svg to pdf. It might do what you want.

    If you are on windows.

    I've uploaded a couple of images web.svg, and pattern.svg. pattern.svg contains web.svg in a <use> element as an external asset

    chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf="C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\pdf_output.pdf"

    You do have to have the full path for the output file in quotes.

  3. #3
    manulera manulera @manulera

    Hi @inklinea thank you so much for the swift answer, that worked for me! I guess next step is figuring out the options for printing only the desired region instead of printing to an A4, thanks for putting me on the right track! I will paste the solution when I find it.

  4. #4
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf-no-header --print-to-pdf="C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\pdf_output2.pdf"

    Same thing but without the header and footer ( just the plain svg )

  5. #5
    manulera manulera @manulera

    Hey thanks for the followup. I had to go a bit more into it to get exactly what I wanted (pdf to have the exact size as the svg). I only managed to do it with some css and javascript, but does the trick! I made a repository for it, in case someone comes with this exact need:


  6. #6
    7jfosqo5 7jfosqo5 @7jfosqo5

    @iklinea thank you for suggesting chrome workaround, I've tested it with chromium and it solves this issue, but introduces plenty new ones, mostly size of canvas - my svg document had specific page size, which chromium tries to fit into A4 by default. @manulera solution is too cumbersome for me, it seems to require knowing size of the document ahead of time (which is hard with many SVGs with varying sizes).

    I will try to submit a feature request to properly support svg links when exporting them to PDFs.

  7. #7
    7jfosqo5 7jfosqo5 @7jfosqo5

    There is already a very similar feature request opened 3 years ago:

    It suggests adding a command line option (which I agree would be useful when converting multiple .svg files), but I think that having this exposed in .pdf dialog would also be useful.

    I'm surprised they are not embedded by default though.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Exporting svg with linked/embedded images to pdf without rasterising