I'm pretty new in Inkscape, in fact, I've downloaded it today. I needed to change the colors of some .svg files (because of higher quality) and people highly recommended using it. So here I am. My goal was to upload these images to Canva.
Great! I updated the colors of my images (I am not a designer, had a lot of trouble doing that) and to my surprise, Canva doesn't allow me to upload any svg file due to the files are corrupted.
Upload Error
Some of the files you are trying to upload are not compatible with Canva or they have been corrupted. Please, make sure all files you upload have the correct file extension and are not broken.
So I started looking for information to solve this and, in a blog, some dude said that Inkscape exports svg files with the "compound path", which I have no clue what it is and what is for, but it could solve the issue.
So, here I am (2) struggling to solve this issue and I don't even know how to start. The last thing I want to do today is to export all these files - 189 - to png format (I know this one works).
Looking forward that you help me to figure out a solution.
Hey @TylerDurden, thank you for your reply and instructions.
I made a small test and Canva still doesn't allow me to upload svg files, and returns the same error.
That test consists of applying this combination (single color only), saving, and uploading it to Canva. Unfortunately, I will have to convert these files to png. The inability of Canva to handle svg files wasn't part of my plan and I'd love to hear any suggestions you may want to share.
I have the same problem and for me, it doesn't work (I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly - it didn't seem too complicated to do so). Is there anything else I could try to be able to upload my SVGs to Canva? It would save me a lot of time if I could be working with SVGs rather than PNGs (the latter don't change colour in Canva).
I made sure the width is less than 200px (that's on Canva's troubleshoot page), combined paths, only one colour, saved it as Plain SVG and deleted the necessary lines as per instructions above. But still the same error message as the original author's error message.
Canva troubleshooting says it needs to be saved with SVG Profile "SVG 1.1" - does anyone know what that means? (I assumed the Plain SVG would be the key to this part...)
Well, I have actually figured it out - by doing about million trials and errors. In the end, I had to import the files into a new Inkscape file (the originals had apparently some settings causing troubles and I couldn't find out what it was). Now I save it as Plain SVG, set colour to anything else than black (as when I finally first time succeeded to upload it to Canva, the colour wasn't editable at first) and then I deleted the metadata tag only, but had to keep the defs. It's like real madness anyway. I found someone else saying in only works for them when they delete almost ALL metadata - literally stripping it to xmlns, width, height, version and path tag. It looks like for every person something else works. But at least it works. After fiddling with the SVG many, many times =)
@daanhettema I tried what you suggested and it worked for me once. But now I'm trying to do the same with another file and it won't work. Where could I go wrong? I checked on the 'remove metadata' checkbox while saving it as optimized SVG but the file won't upload on Canva.
Searching for some further assistance (as this seems to be the most complete resource out there). I have tried all of Canva's restrictions (sizing (150-200 px), colors (only one color), etc), tried manually saving as a plain SVG then removing meta data manually (and also tried removing defs and metadata, and just defs, etc), and am having NO luck. Saving as an optimized SVG with metadata check box selected also doesn't get me anywhere. When trying to import to Canva, I either get the initial error message as others report, or the image appears to load in, but then I get the "file corrupt" error on top of the thumbnail in canva. I'm working with a simple design, one color (tried anything but black, and black) with 150 nodes. There are no grouped items, it is all one path, combined. I have broken it apart and recombined it. I have no stray nodes. I have recent Inkscape 1.1.1 version.
I've been using Inkscape for a few years, and never been so frustrated trying to figure this out. Is this an Inkscape issue, or a Canva issue? It's for a client and if it's a canva thing I'll just say forget it, sorry it doesn't work in that wonky program. Or, any OTHER suggestions. Would anyone be willing to trial this for me to see if this is me?
Note that the file provided was too large for Canva, but that was not the only issue.
I cant say exactly what was corrupted in the path, but it would not let me upload to Canva with that path. Any other shape in the same document seemed ok.
So, I did a fast & dirty... I used the bucket tool to make a new object with pretty much the same shape and deleted the original shape.
Not sure it helps you above, but came here by searching, maybe it helps others later. Had the same problem though in different SW. One logo worked out, other not. Turned out it was the layer name. In the good one, there was no layer name (I have one color logo, so only one layer), only Curves. In the other, I hade layer named. After deleting the name, file came through to Canva.
I seem to have tried all the above options mentioned. My case is a bit strange, I have converted latex into a svg file and then trying to upload it. Here is my file, can anyone let me know what seems to be the issue. Thank You.
Hi. Trying to upload the attached file onto but not being able to do so. I tried all the suggestions given, to the extent I could, but was not successful. Thank you.
Hi, Tyler. Followed your recommendation & removed the large object. Also, created a single path but not able to upload the said file still. Any other suggestion or suggestions that I need to implement? Attached is the revised file. Thank you.
I just solved it without needing to save as either Plain SVG or Optimized SVG. The key was to ensure that the Inkscape SVG file had a layer. (Multiple layers may work as well, I didn't try.) Before I put my content into a layer, it wouldn't work to upload to Canva no matter what combination of settings I tried. Oh -- and per the official documentation (thanks for the link @Ziidgaa), you also need to make sure your file is using pixels as units (the default for me was millimeters) and the width is no greater than 200px. Hope this helps someone!
Can someone please help me create this SVG so it can be uploaded to Canva without getting the below error message? I've been working on this for the past two days and I've tried all the above methods...or at least I believe I've tried them all correctly and still getting the same error message. HELP PLEASE and THANK YOU!! I'm a new Inkscape user, so I'm assuming this is just user error for the most part. Thanks in advance for any guidance and help.
Upload Error
Some of the files you are trying to upload are not compatible with Canva or they have been corrupted. Please, make sure all files you upload have the correct file extension and are not broken.
Thank you for your response. Like I said, I'm a new Inkscape user...however, you're a genius. I spent 6+ hours between two days trying many tips and tricks to get this to work. If only I had tried ungrouping right away it would've saved me many hours of defeat. Thank you so much for the tip. It is greatly appreciated!
Hey all. I'm having a similar issue uploading to Canva. I've tried all the advice above with no success as yet. Is there anyone who I can perhaps pass the SVG file on to to take a look at what I'm doing wrong?
@speedster_pta, you can attach an example file to a reply.
If you would like to keep the file private, you can click on the envelope in my profile and send me a private message with a link to the document on google drive, or another sharing site.
Hi, I came across this thread while I was trying to troubleshoot this exact problem myself. I didn't have time to try each and everyone's fixes, so I experimented by exporting my svg as a pdf, and then re-importing it back to Inkscape, and then exporting it as a plain svg which worked surprisingly enough.
Granted, my file is a simple one, using flat colors and simple geometric shapes as it's a logo for an organization, and there may be some limitations, but it worked and that's all that matters.
Hey there, just wanted to let you guys know that I finally found a solution thanks to this post. Here's what I found:
Open your document properties and use the following:
Front page
Format: px
Width: 200
Height: 200
Scale: 1
Display units: px
X: 0
Y: 0
Width: 200
Height: 200
Once you have done this, go ahead and start designing.
If you want the colors to be editable in Canva, and you only used strokes in your designs, make sure to select all your strokes and then use Path -> Stroke to Path (Ctrl+Alt+C) to convert your strokes to paths. Make sure that everything in your design is ungrouped. Limit your design to a maximum of five colors. Do not use black as a fill color. Keep your design limited to one layer.
You don't have to do anything with Plain SVG / Optimized SVG / or anything if you don't want to. Just saving it as an Inkscape SVG is fine.
I hope this helps someone (or me if I forget) some day.
I had the same issue. All I ended up having to do was delete all instances of ";paint-order:markers fill stroke" from the file using Notepad. Apparently Canva doesn't like that.
Hello guys.
I'm pretty new in Inkscape, in fact, I've downloaded it today. I needed to change the colors of some .svg files (because of higher quality) and people highly recommended using it. So here I am. My goal was to upload these images to Canva.
Great! I updated the colors of my images (I am not a designer, had a lot of trouble doing that) and to my surprise, Canva doesn't allow me to upload any svg file due to the files are corrupted.
Upload Error
Some of the files you are trying to upload are not compatible with Canva or they have been corrupted. Please, make sure all files you upload have the correct file extension and are not broken.
So I started looking for information to solve this and, in a blog, some dude said that Inkscape exports svg files with the "compound path", which I have no clue what it is and what is for, but it could solve the issue.
So, here I am (2) struggling to solve this issue and I don't even know how to start. The last thing I want to do today is to export all these files - 189 - to png format (I know this one works).
Looking forward that you help me to figure out a solution.
Compound paths are separate path objects combined into one. I'd use Menu: Edit>Select All, and then use Menu: Path>Combine.
If paths overlap before combining, it could have unpredictable results.
Combined paths will all be the same color. If different colors are needed, it might be easiest to make separate files.
Hey @TylerDurden, thank you for your reply and instructions.
I made a small test and Canva still doesn't allow me to upload svg files, and returns the same error.
That test consists of applying this combination (single color only), saving, and uploading it to Canva. Unfortunately, I will have to convert these files to png. The inability of Canva to handle svg files wasn't part of my plan and I'd love to hear any suggestions you may want to share.
Thank you very much.
I made a few tests and it seems the Canva svg uploader is quite fussy.
It will work with these details:
It looks complicated, but it's as easy as using email. Just delete the highlighted lines and save. Then upload.
I'd definitely go to the small effort to avoid png uploads.
Attached is an example svg file that will upload here.
Thanks. I will try
@TylerDurden thanks a lot for your solution, worked like a charm.
I have the same problem and for me, it doesn't work (I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly - it didn't seem too complicated to do so). Is there anything else I could try to be able to upload my SVGs to Canva? It would save me a lot of time if I could be working with SVGs rather than PNGs (the latter don't change colour in Canva).
I made sure the width is less than 200px (that's on Canva's troubleshoot page), combined paths, only one colour, saved it as Plain SVG and deleted the necessary lines as per instructions above. But still the same error message as the original author's error message.
Canva troubleshooting says it needs to be saved with SVG Profile "SVG 1.1" - does anyone know what that means? (I assumed the Plain SVG would be the key to this part...)
Here's the link just so everyone can see: https://support.canva.com/create-your-design/uploads/photo-file-requirements/
@Ziidgaa, please provide an example svg file.
Well, I have actually figured it out - by doing about million trials and errors. In the end, I had to import the files into a new Inkscape file (the originals had apparently some settings causing troubles and I couldn't find out what it was). Now I save it as Plain SVG, set colour to anything else than black (as when I finally first time succeeded to upload it to Canva, the colour wasn't editable at first) and then I deleted the metadata tag only, but had to keep the defs. It's like real madness anyway. I found someone else saying in only works for them when they delete almost ALL metadata - literally stripping it to xmlns, width, height, version and path tag. It looks like for every person something else works. But at least it works. After fiddling with the SVG many, many times =)
Wooow. I got it to work. Thank you! Strange fix, but hey, it works. And I didn't have to change the title to "Plain SVG"
You can use the 'save as' - optimized svg option
press save.
A popup with options will appear.
Here you can choose in svg output tab 'remove metadata'
press ok
Now canva will accept your svg from inkscape
@daanhettema I tried what you suggested and it worked for me once. But now I'm trying to do the same with another file and it won't work. Where could I go wrong? I checked on the 'remove metadata' checkbox while saving it as optimized SVG but the file won't upload on Canva.
I'm struggling with this problem too, uploading SVG in Canva. I will try some of solutions above and will let you know which one works for me. Thanks
I tried all these solutions but unfortunately they didn't work for me. Thanks anyway guys, hopefully there's another way
Well I retried @daanhettema 's way and it worked. Thanks alot
Searching for some further assistance (as this seems to be the most complete resource out there). I have tried all of Canva's restrictions (sizing (150-200 px), colors (only one color), etc), tried manually saving as a plain SVG then removing meta data manually (and also tried removing defs and metadata, and just defs, etc), and am having NO luck. Saving as an optimized SVG with metadata check box selected also doesn't get me anywhere. When trying to import to Canva, I either get the initial error message as others report, or the image appears to load in, but then I get the "file corrupt" error on top of the thumbnail in canva. I'm working with a simple design, one color (tried anything but black, and black) with 150 nodes. There are no grouped items, it is all one path, combined. I have broken it apart and recombined it. I have no stray nodes. I have recent Inkscape 1.1.1 version.
I've been using Inkscape for a few years, and never been so frustrated trying to figure this out. Is this an Inkscape issue, or a Canva issue? It's for a client and if it's a canva thing I'll just say forget it, sorry it doesn't work in that wonky program. Or, any OTHER suggestions. Would anyone be willing to trial this for me to see if this is me?
@racheles214, please provide an example Inkscape svg file that will not upload to Canva.
Hi Tyler - thanks for responding. Here's the inkscape file. I'm also attaching what I'm seeing here in photos below.
pic 1: file in inkscape (sized at 190 px, all one color, all one compound path)
pic 2: what I see in notebook after I save the SVG as a Plain SVG
(of note, saving as an optimized SVG does nothing for me getting it through canva)
pic 3: what I'm deleting from file code (I also, after screenshot, deleted the defs part as well with no change)
pic 4: after uploading into canva, I at least get past the initial error popup, but it then loads in with the same error verbiage
Note that the file provided was too large for Canva, but that was not the only issue.
I cant say exactly what was corrupted in the path, but it would not let me upload to Canva with that path. Any other shape in the same document seemed ok.
So, I did a fast & dirty... I used the bucket tool to make a new object with pretty much the same shape and deleted the original shape.
Saved an optimized copy and that was successful.
Not sure it helps you above, but came here by searching, maybe it helps others later. Had the same problem though in different SW. One logo worked out, other not. Turned out it was the layer name. In the good one, there was no layer name (I have one color logo, so only one layer), only Curves. In the other, I hade layer named. After deleting the name, file came through to Canva.
Hope it helps to someone.
For anyone experiencing this issue in a graphic with text, I had success with the following process:
Why does Canva hate aria-labels? I have no idea.
I seem to have tried all the above options mentioned. My case is a bit strange, I have converted latex into a svg file and then trying to upload it. Here is my file, can anyone let me know what seems to be the issue. Thank You.
@danish, I'd convert all object to paths, clean the document, then follow the guidance above.
Hi. Trying to upload the attached file onto but not being able to do so. I tried all the suggestions given, to the extent I could, but was not successful. Thank you.
Looks like a large object needs to be removed. I'd start there.
Thank you, Tyler. Let me try that & update you.
Hi, Tyler. Followed your recommendation & removed the large object. Also, created a single path but not able to upload the said file still. Any other suggestion or suggestions that I need to implement? Attached is the revised file. Thank you.
I'd try ungrouping the path. Canva might not accept transforms.
Now I'm not sure about the transforms...
Seems Canva is improving their acceptance of Inkscape SVGs, though
This simple Inkscape SVG uploaded without any special.
I just solved it without needing to save as either Plain SVG or Optimized SVG. The key was to ensure that the Inkscape SVG file had a layer. (Multiple layers may work as well, I didn't try.) Before I put my content into a layer, it wouldn't work to upload to Canva no matter what combination of settings I tried. Oh -- and per the official documentation (thanks for the link @Ziidgaa), you also need to make sure your file is using pixels as units (the default for me was millimeters) and the width is no greater than 200px. Hope this helps someone!
Can someone please help me create this SVG so it can be uploaded to Canva without getting the below error message? I've been working on this for the past two days and I've tried all the above methods...or at least I believe I've tried them all correctly and still getting the same error message. HELP PLEASE and THANK YOU!! I'm a new Inkscape user, so I'm assuming this is just user error for the most part. Thanks in advance for any guidance and help.
Upload Error
Some of the files you are trying to upload are not compatible with Canva or they have been corrupted. Please, make sure all files you upload have the correct file extension and are not broken.
I'd try un-grouping the groups inside the layers.
Thank you for your response. Like I said, I'm a new Inkscape user...however, you're a genius. I spent 6+ hours between two days trying many tips and tricks to get this to work. If only I had tried ungrouping right away it would've saved me many hours of defeat. Thank you so much for the tip. It is greatly appreciated!
Hey all. I'm having a similar issue uploading to Canva. I've tried all the advice above with no success as yet. Is there anyone who I can perhaps pass the SVG file on to to take a look at what I'm doing wrong?
@speedster_pta, you can attach an example file to a reply.
If you would like to keep the file private, you can click on the envelope in my profile and send me a private message with a link to the document on google drive, or another sharing site.
Hi, I came across this thread while I was trying to troubleshoot this exact problem myself.
I didn't have time to try each and everyone's fixes, so I experimented by exporting my svg as a pdf, and then re-importing it back to Inkscape, and then exporting it as a plain svg which worked surprisingly enough.
Granted, my file is a simple one, using flat colors and simple geometric shapes as it's a logo for an organization, and there may be some limitations, but it worked and that's all that matters.
Hey there, just wanted to let you guys know that I finally found a solution thanks to this post. Here's what I found:
Open your document properties and use the following:
Front page
Format: px
Width: 200
Height: 200
Scale: 1
Display units: px
X: 0
Y: 0
Width: 200
Height: 200
Once you have done this, go ahead and start designing.
If you want the colors to be editable in Canva, and you only used strokes in your designs, make sure to select all your strokes and then use Path -> Stroke to Path (Ctrl+Alt+C) to convert your strokes to paths. Make sure that everything in your design is ungrouped. Limit your design to a maximum of five colors. Do not use black as a fill color. Keep your design limited to one layer.
You don't have to do anything with Plain SVG / Optimized SVG / or anything if you don't want to. Just saving it as an Inkscape SVG is fine.
I hope this helps someone (or me if I forget) some day.
I had the same issue. All I ended up having to do was delete all instances of ";paint-order:markers fill stroke" from the file using Notepad. Apparently Canva doesn't like that.
This was an interesting read! saving for later, as I use Canva a lot.