Does anyone know if there is a way to "code" in a break or line between certain groups of colors in my GPL file? For example, I'd like my custom color palette in inkscape to have a break after a certain number of colors (like 10 colors then a break then the next 10 colors, etc.). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone know if there is a way to "code" in a break or line between certain groups of colors in my GPL file? For example, I'd like my custom color palette in inkscape to have a break after a certain number of colors (like 10 colors then a break then the next 10 colors, etc.). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think there's a way to add breaks, but it's an interesting idea that could be added to Inkscape.
If possible, I might add white or none (red x) in between groups, which could also be handy.