Beyond the Basics clipping with two shapes
  1. #1
    frits77 frits77 @frits77

    I have a picture (photo) that I want to clip with two shapes, e.g. trangle (shape1) and circle (shape2). The resulting image must be within shape1 and shape2. I tried using clip and mask, but the resulting image has a fuzzy edge (or not as sharp as I would like). Can it be done, clipping with two shapes?


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'd group the image first, so I can move it inside the clip. Then I'd group the clipped object and clip that with the second shape.


    Have a nice day.


  3. #3
    frits77 frits77 @frits77

    This works perfectly. I would never have figured that out.

    Thank you for the answer and the nice animation!