Beginners' Questions Text resizer missing
  1. #1
    SheckyS SheckyS @SheckyS


    I am constantly running into a problem where I have a text element and the little diamond adorner that is supposed to show up so I can resize the text never shows up. 

    I think it usually happens when I create a text element and then paste the text into it from Notepad or something. It's really frustrating. 

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the diamond is there, it's just being positioned wrong, like it's off the edge of the screen. I say this because just now I ran into this problem and I deleted all but one word of the text and I could see the diamond, but it was on the wrong side (it was on the left) and there was a big gap between the diamond and the beginning of the text. This might be related to the fact that this element was copied from one that had right-aligned text. But even after changing the text alignment, I cannot get the diamond back on screen. 

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    You can make these Handle size larger in Preferences->Interface - perhaps this will help.

  3. #3
    dwhall dwhall @dwhall

    I suspect you are experiencing the same problem as in this topic Why does a centered text object move to the right...

    It has also been reported as an issue The text-anchor is wrong when changing text alignment while the text is selected

  4. #4
    SheckyS SheckyS @SheckyS

    Hm. Yeah, that looks like the same, or a very similar problem. Unfortunately, there is no indication how to correct it. Even saving and reloading the file doesn't seem to work. 

  5. #5
    dwhall dwhall @dwhall

    There may be no simple solution, It depends, in part, on how complex the other styles applied to the <tspan> elements are.

    [<tspans> are created within the <text> block when ever selected text (using text tool) have different attributes applied (i.e color, size, line wrap etc.)]

    The easiest solution was to use the XML editor navigate to the offending <tspan> and remove the style entry. It fixes the alignment anchor problem but may shift the text block and will remove any other style changes made to that section of selected text.

    Another work-around is to select (with text tool) the offending text and apply the same text-alignment as is applied to the text block as a whole (since the problem arises due to the mismatch of text-alignment in <text> block and <tspan> sub-block)

    The best "solution" is to avoid mismatching text alignments in the first place if possible.