Beginners' Questions Breaking apart a file for stencilling
  1. #1
    Devids1 Devids1 @Devids1

    Hi everyone, 


    I would need to stencil this logo as I want to paint it on a small piece of leather. What is the right procedure to break this logo apart so I can have a full gear, full wing etc? When I break it apart after tracing a bitmap, I end up having multiple pieces and missing parts due to the overlapping. 




    Mv Agusta Logo Black And White
  2. #2
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Inkscape has no tools to automatically generate the missing content. It's up to you to fill in the blank spaces.


  3. #3
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    I'm not sure if this a copyrighted work - I think it is. Also I think you would need rights to use it on a product.

    However if you go to the company website, they have pdf manuals / user guides etc which are in pdf format.

    If you import 1 page with the logo on, it's all in vector format.

    So no need for trace bitmap, you would have to learn how to ungroup / break combined paths and draw a couple of lines etc.

  4. #4
    Devids1 Devids1 @Devids1

    Thanks @Paddy_CAD, I thought there was a way to do it.

    @inklinea, I'm just trying to redo this logo on a motorcycle boot for a customer that was bought from Pakistan and the quality is really poor. I'm not using the logo to customize stuff myself or for profit. Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at their website. 


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Breaking apart a file for stencilling