Beyond the Basics Full Color SVG Fonts Getting Cut Off
  1. #1

    I love that Inkscape is full color SVG font friendly, but I am having an issue with characters getting cut off. I have read that a solution is to use path>object to path. That does take care of the cut-off issue, but turns the full color font into a monochrome font. You can see in my example that the balloon strings are cut off at the bottom on the top image, and the left top corner of the "Y" is also cut off. The second image is how it looks when I use "object to path." Is there a solution to this issue? Thank you!


    Svg Text Example
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Does it help when "Spacing between baselines" is increased?

  3. #3

    That's a great suggestion! I gave it a try and sadly that didn't do the trick, but I appreciate it! Any other ideas? Thanks so much!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Full Color SVG Fonts Getting Cut Off