DXF/DWG Importer

Mario VoigtDXF/DWG Importer

Mario Voigt

Import any DWG or DXF file using ODA File Converter, sk1 UniConverter, kabeja, ezdxf and more tools. Made for Linux and Windows Please carefully read the comments in GUI and docs -> https://fablabchemnitz.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=78807535

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Mario VoigtDxf2papercraft

Mario Voigt

Unfold and import DXF into InkScape using dxf2papercraft. This is some kind of wrapper extension utilizing kabeja to convert the dxf output from dxf2papercraft into SVG. To make it work you need to install at least java. Works on Windows and Linux. dxf2papercraft itself is a tool to make flattened 2D output from a 3D DXF file. Note that kabeja and dxf2papercraft are really old tools. There might be a lot better solutions out there but this is a good starting point and it basically works :) You might have a look at https://inkscape.org/~MarioVoigt/%E2%98%85dxfdwg-importer and https://inkscape.org/~MarioVoigt/%E2%98%85inkscape-papercraft-unfold-stl too.

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Older DXF R12 extension for plotters, Pure Python version

Martin OwensOlder DXF R12 extension for plotters, Pure Python version

Martin Owens

Taken from http://mydxf.blogspot.com/2008/11/inkscape-r12-dxf.html and fixed to work with the latest inkscape (0.92.1)

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