right now I'm having the problem that when I draw a circle, it isn't entirely closed. How can I draw completely closed circles without a gap? Do I have to use the XML editor? Where can I adjust that the circle is closed?
Thanks for your response. Now the problem is gone, but I would like to know if it can also be solved using the XML editor, like setting 'open' to 'false' and 'type' to 'circle' (see here).
I donยด think that gonna work because a whole circle is described by its location, diameter, fill+stroke while an open circle contains start+end points where a horizontallyย half circle starts at "0" and end at 3.1415927 which is ๐. The formula escapes me but you might get the idea.
right now I'm having the problem that when I draw a circle, it isn't entirely closed. How can I draw completely closed circles without a gap? Do I have to use the XML editor? Where can I adjust that the circle is closed?
And here:
Thanks for your response. Now the problem is gone, but I would like to know if it can also be solved using the XML editor, like setting 'open' to 'false' and 'type' to 'circle' (see here).
I donยด think that gonna work because a whole circle is described by its location, diameter, fill+stroke while an open circle contains start+end points where a horizontallyย half circle starts at "0" and end at 3.1415927 which is ๐. The formula escapes me but you might get the idea.