Forum Testing Testing how forum functionality works...
  1. #1
    Hasse Andersson Hasse Andersson @azvareth

    So this is my first post check, bold, Italic, underscore, Strike through.

    1. a
    2. numbered
    3. list
    • and a
    • unnumbered
    • list

    Block quote

    not linking to external sources but I guess it works

    some emoji😁😎

    Testing Code block
    Text: String;Text:="Hello World"; MessageBox(Text);
    result all on same line, not expected

    lets test a longer text with formatting...

    now I have a clue on how this forum thing works and what to expect, same could not be said for extensions, I tried to install three different ones, not one works, I guess I do it wrong 🤨, anyways extensions should have some package format and when executed, be installed by the main app, but what do I know, I am completely new to Inkscape, I just installed it a few days ago...

    Nice forum, C U later

  2. #2
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    There is a python extension package proposed for 1.1 using python pip. It's in it's early days if you want to be part of the alpha testing.

  3. #3
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Welcome to the forum!

    As far as I know, only the extensions that are packed/installed with Inkscape should be expected to work.  There are approx 300 3rd party, or external extensions.  Although many of them work very well, they don't all necessarily work.  I'm not sure where you found the ones you tested, but we have listed some that don't work, because someone might want to fix them, or use them to make an even better extension.

    I always have been curious what the process is, to have a 3rd party extension be approved to become part of Inkscape.  Does any else know?

    Martin, what is " forum package proposed for 1.1 using python pip".  A typo maybe?

  4. #4
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    I've corrected the mistake 🙃

    The goal is to have these levels of extensions:

    1. Core Extensions (
      • shipped with Inkscape
      • must be python3 (py2 optional, no perl, no bash, no javascript, etc)
      • must have tests (80% coverage)
      • must have a minimum code quality (8.0 pylint)
      • Once in, we maintain them as a project.
    2. Associated extensions (
      • Optionally shipped with Inkscape (packagers decide)
      • No language requirement (may be perl, bash, javascript, etc)
      • Quality and maintainence handled as seperate projects with their own standards.
      • Project matains access to code repository in gitlab
    3. Verfied extensions (many places)
      • External extensions on pip or gitlab which have been looked at
      • Installable via the extensions manager (pypi)
      • Advice and communication between authors and project
    4. Random code on the internet (anywhere)
      • No quality assurance
      • No communication with author
      • Own risk


    Moving from 4 to 3 means contacting the athors, inviting them to join the project or join the extensions chat room and doing a code review of the extension.

    Moving from 3 to 2 would happen if the authors don't want to maintain their extension and hand it off to us to look after, or if an  already abandoned extension gets a sponsor who can do all the work of bringing it in from the cold.

    Moving from 4 or 3 to 1 involves creating a merge request as Maren did for several su_v extensions. This is the most amount of work and what would normally happen is that the sponsor would be responsibile for meeting to code quality and testing thresholds before the code would be merged in. They should also pass a general test of being applicable to be installed in the default Inkscape and be mature enough to be useful. i.e. we wouldn't accept a 200MB package for a specific cutter as most users wouldn't get any use out of it.

    (note, I'm the sponsor the the marge requests Maren has created, in case it's confusing that she made the merge requests yet isn't responsible for fixing/upgrading them)

  5. #5
    Hasse Andersson Hasse Andersson @azvareth


    Perhaps not the right part of this forum to reply, but I guess we could call it OT and testing (just to keep it in one place)

    It was some draw curcuit symbols, inkscapeCircuitSymbols & inkscapeLogicGates downloaded from GitHub, it shows in extension menu as fsmMLK but has no content, so I am not sure how to use it...
    then it was inkscape_arakne_shapes_2017_08_10, don't know where I found it, but I did not get it to work.

    But if you are t learn an application, why not start from scratch and do you own stuff, so I am!

    Might look into the testing thing if it is not to complicated...

  6. #6
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Hasse Andersson, so you're referring to  and ?

    According to what I read on GH, it's not a normal installation, since it requires at least one other extension to work.  And it sounds like you have to change some settings for that other extension.  I'd be glad to help you stumble through it.  Although I may be stumbling more than you 😛


    Martin, I'm curious about the extensions manager that is mentioned in level 3.  Is it available in 1.0beta2?  If so, I haven't found it.  Or is it still under development?  I'll be excited to see it!  I probably can't do anything more than testing when it's ready.  But sign me up  🙂


    Hhmm, I was just reading this:

    Have I found the right program?  It does not mention how to install for Windows.  Does that mean it won't work with Windows?

    Edit #2

    Oh gosh.  I hope it can be made with buttons and menus rather than using terminals and codes?

  7. #7
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    The extensions manager is targeted for 1.1, so not available in 1.0 (even the final release) so it'll be next release.

    The extension manager is here:

    But it's very much not working. I just tested it and it's broken since I last looked at it. Delicate because it's based on a graphical user interface.


    Screenshot From 2019 12 29 22 05 46
  8. #8
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Aah ok.  I look forward to testing, when it gets to that point.

    Thanks for your hard work on this much needed feature!

  9. #9
    Hasse Andersson Hasse Andersson @azvareth

    Thanks again...

    Yes I guess one should: RTFM before complain/nag... Sorry for that!

    I installed the requirements for ...Circuit extensions, however it might seem that the requirement needs requirements as well, and those I can not find on github...
    At least the provided link found on github (inkscapeMadeEasy) for (Aaron Spike's module) extension does not work, and searching for it (google) does not provide any useful information.

    Traversing up from the 404 "page not found error" one level at the time does not work either until I was left with the (inkScape downloade page)

    But #?circuit extensions it shows up in extension menus and make some requesters popup when choosen, still do not know how to use it though, I just wish to draw some AND/OR logic things to see if it works and is usable for me.

    But many thanks to remind me the important of reading and following instructions... 😁

  10. #10
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    This is because there's a transition from (old inkscape) to inkex/ in Inkscape 1.0, so extensions such as the made easy should be updated for 1.0.

  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Hasse, if you simply want to use libraries of pre-made electronics or logic symbols, there are some available for download. Check the gallery or google search for "Inkscape Symbols" and your category like electronics, logic, etc.




    Have a nice day.


  12. #12
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Forum Testing Testing how forum functionality works...