Beginners' Questions Text boxes with their own stroke and fill properties
  1. #1
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Hi all,

    In most other structured drawing programs, a text box has its own stroke and fill properties that are separate from the text.

    I'd like to create a resizeable frame with a border and background, then have text inside with margin settings that keep text spaced away from the frame. The text should reflow when the frame is resized. How do I do this in Inkscape?

  2. #2
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Before I file an enhancement request, can someone confirm that this isn't currently possible in Inkscape?

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    There might be a couple ways to approach this.

    I played around with clones to see if I can get something to work, I'm not thrilled with the results. Yet.

    There is a new extension, if you are using v1.0:

    I haven't tested it to see how it might solve your need.


    Can you point to some programs that currently support this, as examples?

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Text->Flow into Frame...

  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Text->Flow into Frame...

    Settable margins?

  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Why not?

  7. #7
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    How do I set it to have margins that keep the text away from the borders, like you have? I get text abutted right up against the box border:

  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Scale down the text-frame proportionally with ctrl and align centred.

  9. #9
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Scale down the text-frame proportionally with ctrl and align centered.

    I promise I'm not trying to being dense, but I'm new to Inkscape and I've spent 30 minutes struggling to figure out how to do this. And if I'm struggling, this will be harder for the non-technical writers on our team. Can you walk me through the steps please?

  10. #10
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Can you point to some programs that currently support this, as examples?

    Absolutely. Here's how LibreOffice Draw handles it (OpenOffice Draw is similar):

  11. #11
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Here's how Visio handles it:

  12. #12
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    Here's how Adobe Illustrator handles it:

  13. #13
    Chris Papademetrious Chris Papademetrious @chrispitude

    MS PowerPoint and MS Word are similar to Visio, and I'm omitting their animations as they're fairly ubiquitous.

  14. #14
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I think Inkscape can do this, with the new "Clone original" effect, but I haven't figured out how to make it work.  The video is hard for me to understand the order of operations.

    My goal would be to have the flowed text box be the basis for the size of a clone rectangle that has the border.  Resize the flow-box and the border box adapts. (Typically, flowed text has no margin, and would need to be aligned with the clone rectangle/border.)

    Sorry I'm being a bit dense, but I haven't spent a lot of time with the jam-packed new version. 

  15. #15
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe this:



    The extra rectangle can be hidden using the Objects panel.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Text boxes with their own stroke and fill properties