Beginners' Questions Problems with export to png
  1. #1
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi


    I am trying to export a .png out of my .svg file and some parts are always missing (in this specific file, otherwise I have no problems). I included pictures of the figure in inkscape and the exported png:

    Background: I made the figure in Excel, saved it as a svg and edited it using inkscape (mostly adding bars and asterisks). The missing bars were changed in Excel to distinguish them from the other bars, which are colored in solid colors. I did this before in other figures and never had a problem with the export. Do I need to change the desing of the bars in Excel?

    I would really appreciate your help :)

  2. #2
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    Yea, the next photo is a video of a fancy nugget bird, so no wonder it doesn't compare.

  3. #3
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi

    Yea, the next photo is a video of a fancy nugget bird, so no wonder it doesn't compare.


    Sorry, I am not sure I understand...?! You mean on imgur? I have no influence on the random images it suggest you there.

    Do you habe any advice about my problem?

  4. #4
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    I mean, when clicking next - ok, so that may not be yours image ?

    Well ,  for the exporting just make sure that

    • All object are located within the canvas.
    • Select "Export page" tab.
  5. #5
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi


    The "Export Page" advice did not help unfortunately.

    It also keeps on happening... Sometimes I export 5 images without any problems and then random bars dissapear completly or partly during the next export.

    Does anybody else has any idea why this might happen and how to solve it?

    (Note: only the first 2 images of the 2 bar plots you see when clicking the link are relevant to my question)

  6. #6
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    The "Export Page" advice did not help unfortunately.

    Why ?

    What version of Inkscape, what version of excel and what OS ?

    How did you opened the svg file from excel (ie. did you double click on it, or did you drag'n drop it into canvas later on) ?

    Can you provide a sample of that svg file so other may test it to see if that only happens on your computer of if there is something else ?

  7. #7
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi

    Mac: macOS Big Sur (version: 11.2.3 (20D91))

    Excel: 16.48

    Inkscape: 1.0.2 (e86c8708, 2021-01-15)

    I create and design my bar plots in excel, save them from excel (right click) "as picture" and select svg. I then find the file in my finder and open it in inkscape. I edit it a bit (mostly the text and sometimes lines to indicate significant differences) and then export it as png. I attached a example svg-file to my post as well as the exportet image. As you can see, some of the bars are blank now.

    It really confuses me, because I do it the same way each time (I have a lot of plots) and it usually works right and sometimes (randomly?) it doesn't. It also does not help to: close the program, shut down the computer or export the diagram from excel again...

    Does it work on your computer?

    Example Plot
  8. #8
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    I've tried to exporting that file two times now, and it works for me. I use 1.0.2 (e86c870, 2021-01-15) same as you, but use Linux Fedora 33.

    Can you say something about how many (maybe a percent number) of your exported images that have this issue ?

    Except from that the bars is withing their own group and that the group seems to have a clip mask, I can't see anything obviously wrong with the svg file (somebody that actually is more familiar to the formatting of svg files should be able to tell).

    What DPI settings do you use for export ?

  9. #9
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi

    Hey, sorry for the late reply & thanks so much for trying it.

    I have deleted and re-installed inkscape a few times by now and found a few random and annoying tricks to work around the problem (exporting, changing the dpi, exporting again under the same name; restarting the program 5 times; some other voodoo)... It happens around 20% of the times when I try to export something...

    So, I still don't know what is happening or why, but it seems to be a problem with my computer or something I do 🙄 But usually it works at some point.

    So again, thanks so much for your time :)

  10. #10
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Hi Quaddi.

    I'm not sure if you're exporting from Excel to Inkscape, or from Inkscape to Excel, or both. 

    My version of Excel doesn't recognise svg files. When I need images from Excel, I save a pdf file and then import that to Inkscape for editing. I never noticed any errors in the imported images. In the other direction, I export png files from Inkscape and Excel imports and displays them accurately. Inkscape can also save a wmf file which Excel understands, but I haven't tested this extensively.

  11. #11
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi

    Hi Paddy_CAD,

    I create my bar plots in Excel and use the "Safe as" function to safe the figure as a svg-file. I then open this file in inkscape to edit it slightly (german-english decimal sings, subscript numbers like in O2...). Once it is done, I export it as png from inkscape to use the png in my word/powepoint files.

    Usually, it works very well, but sometimes (for some reason which I don't understand) whole bars or the design of the bar is just missing.

    At this point, I suspect that something just malfunctions from time to time? I use an MacBook and I am not sure if inkscape works perfectly on it... It is beyond frustrating and I don't know what else to do besides trying random things for a few hours until something might work 😪


  12. #12
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Please share an example excel file with the chart. Thanks.

  13. #13
    Quaddi Quaddi @Quaddi

    Does this work? :)

  14. #14
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden


    in the SVG from excel, I'd try

    • selecting all objects
    • un-group until no groups remain
    • "Clean" (Menu: File>Clean up document), to remove all clips & useless data
    • modify/export.


    Another approach is to open the excel file in LibreOffice and save the chart as svg, open the svg in Inkscape and modify/save.

  15. #15
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    I'm using Windows and my version of Excel won't export svg files, so I took your plot and exported a pdf instead.  It seems to import flawlessly in Inkscape.  Not a solution, but maybe a workaround?