Beyond the Basics Offset when using a tablet.
  1. #1
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    Im having a strange phenomenon when using my wacom tablet within Inkscape. Any pressure seems to be registered/offset from my actual cursor. Im using the latest version of inkscape, 1.0.1. This problem existed in 1.0 as well. I don't remember if I had the problem in versions before 1.0.

    I've watched youtube videos with people using tablets within inkscape, not having this problem at all. I'm assuming this must be a settings or driver problem. I don't have this problem in any other program that I use. I use krita as my daily driver for art with no such problems. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? Thanks. 

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe you have seen this?


    I have experienced a similar problem with a different tablet. My solution was to got to the settings for my Win10 system and set the "Scale and Layout" setting to 100%. It seems that for me Inkscape doesn't always recognise this setting.

  3. #3
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    Oh, I have not seen that before. It does fix the problem. However, I have set my settings to 125%, because I'm blind. Everything is far too small otherwise. I suppose my only option is to compromise either way. 👓 🤣