Graphics Math Library 2geom's First Release Available For Use Beyond Inkscape
11. november 2018 20:58
2geom is a C++ library of mathematics for paths, curves, and other geometric calculations. Designed for vector graphics, it tackles Bézier curves, conic sections, paths, intersections, transformations, and basic geometries.
Originally developed to restructure and improve path data structures in Inkscape, this library's codebase has been maintained and shipped as part of the professional vector graphics software for over a decade.
This separate codebase started as a collaboration between Inkscape developers and a graphics research group from Monash University. "They benefitted from Inkscape in being able to get their experimental ideas into a product that could reach users. 2geom was conceived between them and some of the other core Inkscape developers to further this work and to solidify it into something that could be more broadly applicable beyond Inkscape," explained Bryce Harrington, a founder and developer of the Inkscape project and Chairman of the Inkscape Board.
The major contributors to the 2geom library are Nathan Hurst, Michael G. Sloan, Krzysztof Kosiński, Johan B. C. Engelen, MenTaLguY, Aaron Spike, Marco Cechetti and JF Barraud. A more complete list can be found here.
Work on this release has focused on updating the 2geom source control, build, test and packaging systems for both Linux and Windows. The pygeom python extension package has been restored and improvements have been made to overall code stabilization and quality.
The primary motivation for 2geom's 1.0 release is to support a future Inkscape 1.0 launch.
With this evolution to a distinct package, the 2geom team is seeking new opportunities to collaborate with individuals and projects interested in using this proven tool.
"Over the years, numerous game developers and graphics developers have asked about using Inkscape's internal code for their own projects, so part of the motivation for releasing this is to make this code more easily shareable with this audience," explained Harrington.
For more information about 2geom head to The library is available for download at