xkcdify - README This extension modifies your paths to make them look hand-drawn like the ones in xkcd comics (https://xkcd.com/). It does so by first adding more nodes to your path and then adding a little bit of noise to the position of each node. The algorithm was adapted from the one used in matplotlib's xkcd function: https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.xkcd.html The extension can also replace the fonts of all the selected texts with Humor Sans, which looks (kinda) similar to the text on xkcd. Installation: 1) Download the zip file for this extension. 2) Open Inkscape and go to Edit > Preferences. Open the System tab on the left panel. You'll see a list of folder names. 3) Locate the User extensions folder and click Open. 4) Extract the files from the xkcdify release you just downloaded into this folder and restart Inkscape. 5) Optionally, download and install the Humor Sans font. It can be obtained here: https://github.com/shreyankg/xkcd-desktop/blob/master/Humor-Sans.ttf Usage: 1) Select the paths and texts you want to xkcdify 2) Go to Extensions > Modify paths > xkcdify 3) Adjust the parameters to tune the effect to your liking. You can enable the live preview using the checkbox at the bottom of the window This extension only processes paths. If you want to xkcdify ellipses, rectangles, and other shapes, convert them to paths first using Path > Object to path This project is not affiliated, authorized, or endorsed by xkcd. I'm just a guy on the internet who thinks xkcd is cool.